Looking for Business Partner and/or Investor

  • Hello, we are 2 creative German lady's and live/work in South Africa as excellent Caterer with focus on German, Mediterranean and African cuisine from canapes to fingerfood, tapas and bbq - traditional and gourmet platters and buffets. Our food and service program is very interesting. We serve ideas with style and taste! For the near future we are looking for a business partner where we can integrate our business concept and work or/and for an investor to start and establish a new company.
    We are 'hands on people' with long years of international experience in event restaurants, catering service and culinary art.

    11 Feb 2009, 10:41 Eva Brauer
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  • i need to be apartner in small business in canada

    hii ,
    every one here
    i could and need to have my opprtunity with som one to make an successfull small business in canada

    Omar 21 Feb 2009, 03:53 - Verstoß melden
  • i need to be apartner in small business in canada

    [email removed]

    Omar 21 Feb 2009, 03:54 - Verstoß melden
  • looking for investor

    looking for investor

    I am looking for investor in my used heavy construction machinery business,we are buying and selling all kind of used cranes and others machinery in worldwide so if anyone is intrested for investment please contace me we are based in Canada and USA and Japan.

    P.Ali Adnan Canada
    [email removed]


    P.Ali Adnan 23 Feb 2009, 12:30 - Verstoß melden
  • Mexican Food Machinery Equipment


    We are a 37 years old mexican company that manufacture food processing equipment. Right now we are tring to expand our business in Canada by opening an office for promote our brochure and even offer our manufacturing services in a low cost contry as Mexico. I hope some one could be interested, you can contact us in: [email removed] or [email removed]. Please visit our website: www.jersa.com.mx

    Rubén Gonzalez 10 Mai 2009, 03:41 - Verstoß melden

    Bonjour Mr ou Mme.
    Je suis Mr ISSAMBA MARCEL ROMEO de nationalité Camerounaise et je travail dans le domaine de la pêche.Mais je n'ai pas assez de moyens financier pour pouvoir étendre mon domaine d'activité ce qui fait que je suis encore limité.
    Je recherche donc des partenaire de tout les contenants afin de nous associer et développer une structure capable de couvrir les besoins des clients à KRIBI et dans une bonne partie du CAMEROUN.
    TEL: 00(237)22117408
    E-MAIL: [email removed]

    ISSAMBA MARCEL ROMEO 13 Mai 2009, 02:26 - Verstoß melden

    PS, my e-mail address is [email removed]

    DAVID BEN NAIM 27 Mai 2009, 03:24 - Verstoß melden
  • help me to find job in Tianjin

    Our company is closing the door, so that I need to find new in Tianjin,

    I am expecting the job position of Plant manager/production manager and maintenance manager.

    Than you

    Gao Guoqi
    [email removed]

    高国起 29 Mai 2009, 05:56 - Verstoß melden
  • Re:Looking for Business Partner and/or Investor

    hi are you still looking for a business partner? im form germany as well and life in canada now. please contact me at [email removed]
    p.s. anybody else with a business idea can contact me as well
    have a great day

    simon 16 Jun 2009, 08:52 - Verstoß melden
  • Who is looking for US

    We are two students from Netherlands , we have a succefull website http://www.unixmen.com with minimum 5000 visitor/day.
    we have a great experience in Unix/linux and we can help like IT consultants or help to publish any of your IT articles on our website .

    if you are interested please
    mail us : [email removed]

    Mohamed EL Khamlichi 23 Jun 2009, 03:24 - Verstoß melden
  • Business partner

    Hey I am looking for any serious person from who in computers so that we can partner to sell new and used computers and mobile phones.

    contact me on:- [email removed]

    cjk 01 Jul 2009, 02:18 - Verstoß melden
  • anyone out there wanting to invest in kenya

    am a medium enterpreneur based in mombasa kenya
    am ready to inject funds to partner wih anyone out there withy a zeal to invest in kenya in any kind of business enterprise.
    contact me e-mail [email removed]
    cell +254 0722 315031

    NYAGAH 29 Jul 2009, 12:27 - Verstoß melden
  • Looking for Business Partner

    yes,we are also looking for business partner,First-rate Mold Solution Co., Ltd. in China, provide industry design,mold design,mold manufacturing,molding analysis,project management service.our website http://www.firstratemold.com/

    first rate mold 06 Aug 2009, 04:15 - Verstoß melden
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