Canadian Taxes

  • Where can I find a good guide to file your canadian taxes? There are so many decisions to be made. I don't mind paying a tax advisor, but I would like to learn a bit by myself

    08 Nov 2005, 12:02 Anonymous
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  • Cnanadian Taxes

    You can see it all at the Canada Revenue Agency website.

    Anonymous 21 Mai 2006, 03:41 - Verstoß melden
  • Don't beat your head against the wall!

    When you are done going crazy trying to figure it out yourself, then contact a Relocation Management firm for cost-effective support.

    NuPAD Solutions Canada -

    Homes, Moving, Working, Living

    They can assign you a personal consultant and provide you access to leading tax service providers.

    Why would you want to risk anything else?

    Anonymous 15 Jun 2006, 06:40 - Verstoß melden
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