Application Form - HELP!
Hi, I'm currently trying to fill the application form correctly, but there are some fields that I don't completely understand. I tried to ask for assistance at the Embassy, but every time I ask them something about documents, they always say the same thing: "we have no responsibility to help you with your documents (documents that must be submitted to apply for Visa) " or "we have no wright to help you with your documents". The only useful thing that they suggested was to ask someone else, who knows those things.
In fields #7 they ask about Permanent Place of Residence, so should I write my PPoR or my Hukou (residency permit)?
Field #10 is still in Personal Data part, but I just want to ask to be sure - I should write School or University that I'm going to now, right? If I'm not working or studying now, should I just leave it blank or should I write something there?
In filed #17 Duration of Planned Stay should I write the duration in words or it's ok to use numbers? And is it better to write 42 months or 3.5 years?
And I have no idea what should I write in field #18 Entries or transits. Could someone give me a hint?
And in field #20 about financial issues - if my parents are the ones who will take care of school fees, will it be counted as Personal or Other Resources?04 Dez 2007, 02:41 Nguyen Shon