I'm a Medical Student facing financial problems with studies

  • hello SIR/MADAM

    i'm a medicine student studying in china.. i.m doin my 4th year now.i have one and half more years to complete my course . i'm facing so many financial problems since my parents are ill specially my mom who is a HEART patient.! since so much money is needed for her medical expense every month they find it very difficult to meet mine!. i badly wish to complete my course and be a DOCTOR.i find it very difficult to meet my monthly food expenses!.PLease please be kind enough to help me complete my studies and i'll be obliged to you for a lifetime.!God bless you & your family.

    phone- 0086-13227275755
    email- [email removed]

    Richard thomas 03 Jan 2009, 06:46 - Report
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