to the french we are

  • french girls are not stuck up but we are not inclined to pour out our hearts to just anybody not even our 'girlfriends', what is not said is even more important that what is said and we would just prefer to leave our private matters just that. private. we're far too comfortable this way to disturb it and for what to have to worry on whether or not anyone has said anything? i think the only people allowed to speak of french people are french. Anyone else knows nothing of our culture and that's just fine with us. so pardon us if our standoffishness is offensive. If you do not like us there's no need to converse it obviously does not bother us. as for french girls being the prettiest in the world there's no such thing as one dominant culture being the most fair every culture has their own qualities they find arousing an individual may have they're own as well. they french pride quite confidence dark hair fair skin petite frames tall or small and of course enough strength to keep ones self together and not all over the place.

    colette 23 Jan 2009, 08:49 - Report
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French Girls

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