French people are rude?
I want to visit France this summer, but I have heard of some friends that French people are considered to be very rude. Especially when you don't speak any French at all (like in my case). Should i be worried to travel in France now? cause this is the first time that i am travelling alone.... Anyone bad (or good) experiences with french people?
tnx,28 May 2007, 05:58 Nathalie
Yes they are!!!
Hi Nathalie! It all depends on the people you're talking to. But yes - they can be very rude - or rather ignorant to non-french-speakers!!!
Daniel 01 Jun 2007, 11:09 - Report -
hi,french people dont like americans,you people are very arrogant and come to europe to make fun of our life,and to have orgys,sex,thing that are forbidden in your cinical country.bye
charlotte 08 Jun 2007, 04:48 - Report -
rude french
As a French, i'am always surprised about this Anglosaxon stereotype: the rude French. It's a total misunderstanding. The French and the Anglosaxon cultures are totally different. Parisians and French are not Martians. They are humans, with their qualities and defects like all other people on this planet. And i can't understand how the Anglosaxons can venture to judge other peoples with their standards. This perception of the French to be rude, unfriendly, arrogant, chauvinistic is total ***. Have you never try to travel in Poland,Russia or China? The cultural shock can be strong,too. You have bad and good people everywhere. But the problem with many US or British visitors who have never traveled in France is that they have their brains full of grotesque and outdated clichés about the French, coming from old Hollywood films:bérets, frog legs,existentialism, pompous intellectuals and other kinds of craps. All these old WW2 images are also boring and exasperating. It means nothing for most of the current French because 80% of them were no born at this time. And, if some French can be perceived as snooty or rude, i would rather say that they can be sad or stressed, because they work hard, they are treated sometimes like *** by their boss or their government, they pay a lot of taxes and many other things. France is the most visited country in the world with 75 millions tourists each year. But it doesn't means that it's a theme park. When i visited USA a few years ago, i encountered many kinds of people, some friendly, but a lot very aggressive and totally misinformed about the world affairs outside the US. I think that the biggest calamity is IGNORANCE.
french 12 Jun 2007, 10:48 - Report -
a french point of view
Like everywhere ppl can be rude.
To be nice to them say -Bonjour- when you meet them (do not forget to smile), before asking something to them say -s'il vous plait- (please in French), ask -parlez vous anglais?- ans don't forget the usual -merci- and -au revoir- (thanks & goodbye). If you are doing so they have no reason to be rude. But still, idiots are everywhere.Guillaume 12 Jun 2007, 03:40 - Report -
french people are rude?
No ruder that you would find in any other country, there are good and bad everywhere, we have found mostly good. Persevere with your limited amount of french, why should anyone expect people in another country to speak their language just to make things easier for them? In major towns and cities usually some people understand english but they may not want to speak it, for reasons of their own. You will enjoy yourself if you make an effort with the language, most french people appreciate an effort and may even meet wyou halfway
seles 14 Jun 2007, 10:30 - Report -
no more than anywhere else
I'm an American who has been to France several times and have loved each visit. Sure, a few French people are rude but most are not.....just like in every other country! Ever been to New York City???
The French culture is rich in history, cuisine, traditions, etc., and they are justifably proud of that. If you show respect and appreciation for those qualities, and spend some time to learn about their culture, you will be treated very well 95% of the time.
As far as the other 5%, well, there are jerks everywhere and it's best just to take it with a grain of salt. Don't think about the two people who were rude to you today, remember that 30 treated you just fine!
As another posted her has stated, "the biggest calamity is Ignorance". I totally agree with this.
Before you go to France, spend a little time to learn about the nation and its people....and if you only learn a few words of French, learn the "polite" words [like Bonjour, s'il vous plait, merci, au revoir, etc.] and when to use them
Have a great trip. We will be there in September and are looking forward to it!
Paul 28 Jun 2007, 08:57 - Report -
To Rude french
Just one thing "C'est enorme!" Thanks for the so true comments...
Another rude french guyCedric from Chambery 18 Jul 2007, 04:36 - Report -
J'ai du mal a te suivre
Je t'avoue cédric j'ai du mal à comprendre ton message.
En tt cas ton "c'est énorme" fait super cliché, je le kiffe.José 18 Jul 2007, 06:20 - Report -
I'm french and i used to work in US (french cook) .. The first time i met american people , they just noticed i dont speak english very well (as well as i'm typing) and had fun with that ... anyway , i met other people very nice , but there's cliché like house with the US flag outside in the garden (remind them in wich country they are when they wake up ?) same in france's like US people voted for Bush but the real good people know it's a big mistake
Anyway , there's patriot everywhere , there's dumbass etc.. , but over it , there's a lot of good people to meet , and don't miss that because you heard something
KArl 23 Jul 2007, 08:59 - Report -
The French are just the opposite if you take the time to understand them...
I too was very concerned about my lack of French upon my first (and hopefully one of many) trips to France. To combat the fear of being hated and feeling like I was going to be perceived as a total clod, I read a good book on French culture called Culture Shock: France that explained the broadest points of the French thought process, history, politics, etc. What Americans take to be "rude" is often just a reaction to not knowing the culture and how the French see and react to situations. I can honestly say that I found (in Paris) most everyone to be both polite IF you were polite, and in one case bent over backwards for me, staying working for an hour past their time with a smile (impossible to believe right)? Too many people (particularly Americans) don't take the time to learn anything about the culture they are visiting, forgetting they are a guest there and need to be on their best behavior and don't try to learn from their hosts. If you act rude in a culture that values civilized behavior as the French do, you will get a sharp rebuke. That is not rudeness, it is the civilized way, and it is the French way! Get to know them and you can't help but fall in love with the culture, trust me.
Jeff Taylor 02 Oct 2007, 02:34 - Report -
Take time to Understand the French
I have stayed in Paris for 5 months, the best in my life. I do not speak french. I have not met a rude french person.
The first thing to do in any culture is to respect it. I also start speaking in French, simple greetings and acknowledgement, then I ask permission to speak in English as my French is really bad and don't want to kill a really beautiful language. You will be amazed at how beautiful the French really are.Sebastian 05 Nov 2007, 11:27 - Report -
rude people are everywhere
Hi French, I agree to what you say, it's really silly to venture to judge with old fashioned clichés the french people. I think is better first to travel more and to get some more information. Sorry to tell this but it's true, I was really impressed how ignorant can be some people in the US, a bad impression.
Eliana 22 Nov 2007, 11:43 - Report -
Visiting soon
I am glad to hear your positive comments about France. I believe as many of you have said that our own attitude towards others impacts how they treat us. Kindness with kindness....rudeness with rudeness.
My daughter is living and working in Paris and I will be visiting her there for Christmas.
I am Australian and hope that I will be well received by the French I meet. I am looking forward to learning more about French culture and history. I have been reading as much as I can about the French way of life and am so excited about the prospect of being in such a beautiful and historic location. In Australia our history is so short...a mere 200 years.
I believe our differences are neither right nor wrong just different...and through our differences we learn tolerance and acceptance.Cheryl 02 Dec 2007, 05:07 - Report -
hi I'm french(I live in Nîmes, near Montpellier). That's true, some people are rude but there are some very nice people like me. Please if you're american, would you like to talk with me?I'd really like to improve my english. thank you, if you want to, please leave a message here and I'll answer. See you.
Mélanie 03 Jan 2008, 02:24 - Report -
[email removed]
ayudenme kon mi frances please!!!
hablo españoldoly 08 Jan 2008, 08:31 - Report -
You're right
I am totally agree with you.
dominican 17 Jan 2008, 06:05 - Report -
I love france, and we would like to live there eventually, and unfortunatly people still think of the frech as rude, I do not, where else can you go where you are greeted with bonjour madame from a complete stranger? Certainly not in the uk, where you are lucky if you recieve a smile. The culture is great, people friendly but much more than that even the teenagers are polite and civilised.
julie 06 Feb 2008, 02:28 - Report -
rude french people
hi i do agree that french can be rude but some of them are very nice but it does help to know french because some times they like to talk about you behind your back so if you now french you can get them back but they do have a problem about americans and thats because they are jealuose of us. ADIOS AMIGOS
mexican girl 06 Feb 2008, 06:42 - Report -
your right
french people are mean but if you know how to get around them then you are okay because they fall for anything you say
me 06 Feb 2008, 06:44 - Report -
Es todo lo contrario!!
Yo conozco personas Francesas, y son de lo mas educados, finos y amables, y somos amigos de verdad, que te ofrecen la ayuda en las buenas y en las malas. Yo si tengo una muy buena experiencia.
Laura 12 Feb 2008, 02:55 - Report -
HECTOR 16 Feb 2008, 08:44 - Report -
Rude People
The rudest people I have met in France are the British.
Elodie 17 Feb 2008, 02:45 - Report -
Hey Melanie
Hi! I'll be staying in Montpellier and constantly visiting Nimmes for a while. I'll be going there on March, 3... Any chances you can give me your email to contact you... It will be nice to have a friend that would show me around, and speak English to. Anyway, my mail is [email removed]
Sussy 22 Feb 2008, 08:54 - Report -
I think
that sometimes just because one or two people were rude, doesn't mean the whole population was rude. And I think that French people don't know English well, so they might try to avoid talking to you, to cause any negative confrontations or arguments etc. Sometimes French people might accidentally say something rude and not mean it that way at all. Because they don't know English very well.
Christy 13 Mar 2008, 01:40 - Report -
I mean to avoid arguments or confrontations. Sorry some how the word avoid got left out.
Christy 13 Mar 2008, 01:42 - Report -
no hagas caso....
tu no le hagas caso a la gente. además este verano yo tambien me voy a francia y no se ni inglés ( hombre se defenderme pero poco) y menos aún de francés. Además si vas a Francia es para aprender el idioma y para tener nuevas experiencias y las nuevas experiencias se pueden tener con un inglés un francés un alemán, un italiano,... y no hace falta el idioma y en esto hazme caso a mi que se de lo que te hablo. Tu piensatelo y haz lo que tu QUIERAS, que si nos toman por analfabetos por no saber su idioma, bueno pues yo les llamo analfabetos por no saber lo que es un buen chorizo o jamón. No se puede ir por la vida con limitaciones por el idioma. Hay infinitas maneras de enterderse y el idioma, a veces, no es el fundamental. Besos, espero haberte ayudado
xtyna 13 Mar 2008, 07:44 - Report -
My experience
I am a Nigerian lives in the Uk and often travels to France. I think it is matter of understanding other ways of doing things. I think I love France verbal spar and straightforwardness. They are not rude.
Chris 23 Mar 2008, 09:34 - Report -
who wants to f*** me today!!??
courtney 31 Mar 2008, 10:55 - Report -
any advice please?
i live in germany,berlin right now,but in may i move to paris.can anyones please give me any advice?,information about french people,culture.i speak some french,but i dont reallly the situation there.thanks for your help
w 01 Apr 2008, 06:48 - Report -
The Rudeness of Cannes, France
I'm currently visiting Cannes, France my first time ever and I they are by far the most rude arrogant people I have ever encounter in my whole life. I'm in total culture shock of the severe rudeness they constantly spew it's 99% of the time. It's nonstop everywhere I go and everything I do,numorous of incidents where I paid my hard earn money for pur rudeness like for instant's I went to a ice cream shop and the waiter was so rude and nasty smart alex questions and when I asked for chocolat sprinkles he said NONO I would get the all on the counter ( I was so shocked I was speechless) it's like they do it to press people buttons. I'm very nice and very polite and speak a little french but they're still mean and evil. I just can't stand it, I'm currently in my hotel and I refuse to go anywhere but on a plane ticket home. The thing that gets me is I always wanted to go to France it's been my dream since I was a lil girl.
I was under this Fantasy that it was a wonderful romantic country, boy was I deliusional 11 Apr 2008, 05:05 - Report -
Very bad experiences with the French
Those of us who have had bad experiences with the French are obviously not alone and we must remember not to take it personally nor let it ruin our day or attitudes toward others by considering the source...just like when you get a compliment from someone whose opinion you don't respect anyway, you don't take the compliment seriously, do you? Well, this is the opposite, but with the same meaning. If a person from a culture that is known to be miserable and classist is rude to you, take it for what it is, a result of their prejudice and misery and be proud and happy that you are not like them. It is true that every culture has rude people, but the French more often make it a point to be rude and cruel. From all of my experiences with French people, I have found that it is more the norm to be this way and kindness is the exception. I have heard that it is particularly the Parisians that are rude and when I think about it, that is who I have been most often exposed to, so this may be true and other French people may just be getting a bad name as a result of the Parisians. I know their attitude toward me is not the result of anything I have done to deserve it and that is where it is WRONG. No, I don't speak French fluently, but I am pleasant and make an effort. From the bottom of my heart, I know that in the reverse situation, where a foreigner would be in the USA without being able to speak English, MOST Americans would be kind and friendly and go out of our way to help. We certainly would not go out of our way to be rude, because we are not generally unhappy, nor without true pride, nor jealous. It would be the exception that a visitor to the USA who does not speak English would be made to suffer by cruelty being inflicted on them. The rule would be to treat them with the same respect we have for ourselves and our own people. This is where the BIG difference really is. The rudeness and cruelty that the French (or perhaps just the Parisians)inflict on others is a result of their inferiority complex and lack of respect for themselves and other humans. Think about it, if you lived amongst a bunch of miserable, rude people, you would be getting treated that way every day yourself and it would be normal behavior to then treat others this way. Honestly, the French have my pity, I feel sorry for people that are that deeply unhappy.
JT 12 Apr 2008, 05:37 - Report -
...I believ rude people exist across can find rude french, english, americans, italians...but thay doesn't mean that the whole populatio is like that!! I have to say, I have been to France lots of times, and always found nice people. Of course, you can find the od rude one, but I have had the same proplem here in Ireland where i have been living for the past 10 years...and irish people are supposed to be very just believe that you have to respect people and make an effort. If I was french I wouldn't appreciate an american tourist who asks me information without AT LEAST trying...that's what frasebooks are there for....ciao!
silvia 12 Apr 2008, 07:07 - Report -
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Byecontrolist 16 Apr 2008, 05:36 - Report -
rude french?
I believe that the french is different. He`s very polite, but you have to be too. I remembered a day when I was lost, and I entered in a "boulangerie" asking in a bad french about the way and 3 persons have tried to explain to me. And later, other persons. Every country has his roules. There is very important to use: madame, monsieur, bonjour, s`il vous plait, merci, au revoir. Rude? Ofcourse, NON.
romanian living in Spain 19 Apr 2008, 07:16 - Report -
so rude!
I've been living in France for 3 years and I have to say they are amazingly rude! I already lived and visited many other countries and I never saw somenthing like that.Of course they say "bonjour" very polite and so on, but it doesn't mean anything.Frech will say "il faut pas generaliser" but they are rude in the street,in stores, even your french friends, they are even rude in tv when they talk, very hard!
For tourism should be ok (beautiful country,really strong culture and habits that I love so much and excellent food, yeah people's behaviour is not everything in a country), maybe many frenchs will ignore you if you speak in english, nothing that bad. The problem is when you stay more and try to live with them and to get used to the country. Anyway, this will be a good experience for me, it will make me more tolerant because I know how awful it is to don't be tolerant at all. Of course I'm leaving soon!! 03 May 2008, 11:08 - Report -
The US vs France
There is no denying the might and prestige of the world's sole remaining Super Power, the United States of America. We are a continuation of the Roman Empire of old and the British Empire of late.
Resistance is futile.TC 07 May 2008, 11:16 - Report -
The French ARE Somewhat Rude
I've had many encounters and experiences with the French, and I hate to say this but they ARE somewhat rude. The first time I went to France I was 17 years old and traveling with my American Experience class from Dallas, TX. Once in Europe we rented a bus and thought it would be nice/ friendly to put a banner on the side of the bus that read "Howdy Ya'll, From Dallas, Texas!" When we arrived in Paris the first thing we got was the finger from a woman about 50 years old.
I live in Los Angeles now, and there seems to be a rather large French community in my area. On at least 5-6 occasions, in incidences where you would normally say "excuse me," or "pardon me," they don't. It's obvious and blatant. I can understand that when you visit France, you should learn how to say "s'il vous plait," "merci," "pardon"... but they also need to learn a little of our culture, especially if they live here!Mrs. America 16 May 2008, 09:10 - Report -
Something about French People
I would like to visit France sometime soon. First off, I've got to say that I like France and all but it starts to freak me out when some people I know say that French are really unfriendly and unhelpful ppl (Only when going for a trip and besides that I don't really know). The thing is that when they(My friends) traveled to France and didn't know the places very well, so they asked the French as to how they could get to the place and the French were kind of rude, some walked away while being questioned (Because they couldn't speak English). One thing I find it very funny when French is asked in English but speaks French in reply (I don't know whether that would imply as sacarsm or not). Anyway, a few friends of mine have some good experiences about French people though. Well, you can see that not all French are bad. Some ppl say the new French generations will treat the foreigners better than the old French generations. In fact, this is true. And in my experience, I have a friend which is French. I've known him for 2-3 years now and I still keep in touch with him. He is very polite, educated, smart, and very friendly person. Btw he is very good in English and I was surprised at first because French don't like to speak English and try not to speak it(racism related). But since he isn't old, then no doubt about that. Well, I talked to him about several things. We have talked about the U.S. once and he seemed to hold a negative view towards the Americans. In my opinion, he spoke from his experience but I guess he actually isn't biased for some reasons. Overall, I can't judge one French person from the whole France. But from what I heard, there are more rude French than the polite ones when you as a non-French speaker live, study, or go for a trip there. Also my sister has been to France once. She said to me, when you get lost in France without knowing French language, it's like no one would help you and no one cares, such a disaster! But I think that does not always happen. Well anyway, I hope it will be better in the future that I will hear most French are friendlier and more open-minded to people from abroad. I think France is already great in all aspects and if most French are said to be nice people to all foreigners, then it'd be marvellous
Asian's Point of View 18 May 2008, 09:03 - Report -
Why consider all french the same?
Hi I'm french and live near Nice, on the French Riviera. You'll find every kind of people, sweet and rude mixed together, like everywhere else. France is very wide and every region has its originality and specifity wether it's by their language, cuisine, geography... Here in Nice, you'll find a lot of people speaking english as it is very touristic and unfortunately some rude people. Guess what? Those rude people are not from Nice most of the time. They are tourists, or workers from other regions coming south as there is a lot of work in summer. It is a pity that the lady above staid in Cannes and suffered from so many incidents. A lot of waiters here, especially during summer time and festivals are, sorry for the cliché, very rude, even with us French. If you take my advice, please visit France not staying in big towns, especially Paris and the French Riviera. Enjoy a day or 2 in those towns, then travel around France to taste the true and real face of France. You are so welcome! It is so great to meet people from other countries or other continents. So many good memories with you guys! See you soon!
Bulle 19 May 2008, 02:43 - Report -
Astonished by some of the testimonials
And I'm sad also of the way some of you were treated. I am French and can guarantee you that our country has a reputation of open-mind and quality of life. Well, for the person who had so bad memory of Cannes I can affirm that the French Riviera and Cannes especially are so superficial. They do not represent France, and Paris also is not France. Those big cities do not offer the best of the country as everything goes so fast, creating a sort of stress among the people. I invite you to visit Centre of France with its historical past, West of France ( Bretagne et Normandie ) with it spectacular coast, the Alps with its magnificent landscape, South West with its gastronomy, Corsica which is in my opinion, the best region of France. Near to the authentics french I'm sure your next trip will be France again.
A very important point is remembering to smile, whenever you have a problem here, lost or needing informations. People like everywhere will be very ready to help someone smiling, saying "Bonjour" rather than mouthing.
French people do not like to speak english, even if they understand it. Some of them told me they are afraid of their accent, and fear that someone will laugh at them. Pity...
I've visited in the past Canada, Ireland, Spain and I assure you that I keep only good memories of the inhabitants, even if some of them were not especially friendly.
Never go in a foreign country as a conqueror or a colonizer; always with the thirst of discovery :It is my moto.
A bientôt en France !Amandine 19 May 2008, 03:12 - Report -
I Am From England......
J'adore le Francais!!!!
I have been many times to France and i must say i have never once been treated out of place or rudely!! Je ne parle pas Francais tres bien!!! but i do try my best when im there and im taking lessons, but i have found that when ever i make an attempt to speak French, i see that they appreciate me making some effort in THIER coutry. All i have to say is that compared to some Americans, French are Saintsif a foreign speaking person went up to someone in America and started talking in a strange language they'd probably get a mouthful of abuse or no help at all!! (i did and i speak English!!)
It is a bad stereotype and truth be told because some of you have met a rude person (the world is full of them) does not justify calling 'French People' rude im afraid. I have many friends who are French and i shall never get tired of this beautiful country!!
If anyone wants a chat about anything, feel free to add my MSN - [email removed]
Au Revoir!!!Craig 23 May 2008, 03:27 - Report -
hola soy de venezuela
recien me gradue de licenciado en idiomas y doy clases de frances en la alianza francesa en maracaibo.en el mes de septiembre me voy a francia (amiens) siete meses para dar clases de español en una secundaria me pueden informar de esa region su gente, cultura etc...
isabel 27 May 2008, 09:39 - Report -
Ah! les français!
C'est clair. Les français sont aimables et gossiers. Les espagnols, les italiens, les anglais... Quelle bétisse de dire: tous sont comme ci; tous sont comme ça. J'ai des adorables amis français (de Paris, de Poitou, de Bordeaux, de Toulouse et de Les Landes) et casuellement tous eux sont merveilleux.
Quand je connais un français idiot, je m'en vais. Et tout résou.
AH! si quelq'un veut parler un peu quelques fois, ici mon adresse de MSN: [email removed]
Je cherche des personnes d'Hendaye pour ma visite là le 13-15 du mois de juin. Au revoir!Isabel, de Madrid 02 Jun 2008, 08:24 - Report -
I think one of the main problem is that people so deeply convinced that French people are rude just don't have the same standards...
Going to a country thinking there is a international norm and a "good" way of acting is a WRONG idea. Something normal in the USA will be rude in France... And something normal in France will be rude in the USA.
For instance, if you say to a French "talk to you soon!" and you're not planning to talk, you're just saying that to be polite, it is seen as RUDE. But for most Anglo-Saxons, it's not...
We've got different habits, that's all...
So it's NOT open-minded to try to understand a culture and a country through your own way of seeing the world...Alex 02 Jul 2008, 02:49 - Report -
Most Obnoxious Tourists? The French
Check this out:,8599,1820358,00.htmNYT 06 Jul 2008, 06:58 - Report -
Are the French rude ?
OK, I don't speak French or any other language other than English and I'm also British.
I work in the UK as a customer service manager and have to deal very regularly with the French. Now you would expect that under these circumstances of things not working, broken down, very upset people that you should get a clear view of the French (multiple areas of France). In general in my honest opinion the French are no different than any of my other customers in the world. The fact is if you treat them like you expect to be treat yourself, you'll go a long way. It is also a fact that the cultures are completely different, so don't ingnore that... but isn't that good ? and interesting ?
When ever I travel in both France, Spain e.t.c. around Europe mainly for work I always try to make an effort with the language, which to be honest isn't often easy. I have found fantastic response from people and on many occasions the people have given back 200%. Dependent on who and where the people are, I have found them interested in learning more about the English language, not what I expected on most occasions.
Look in simple terms, I know more rude people in England than I do in France. I also know that the Americans are as proud of their country and heritage as the French are. Try to embrace the culture and language of the country you visit and you'll only feel better for it.
Hope this helps people...Darren 23 Jul 2008, 07:10 - Report -
Don't worry !
Like in every country, it all depends with which person your are speaking !
Please, don't make judgement about rumors .
Don't worry !Oriane 31 Jul 2008, 11:07 - Report -
If it was not from the American the French would all be speaking German! They are Chickens and gave their country away.
CDM 01 Aug 2008, 06:38 - Report -
French people are rude assholes. My wife and I took a trip to Paris (Worst place on earth for customer service) I will never return to such place again. EVERYWERE we went people were rude, restaurants, hotels, EVERYWERE. The only place that was not as bad was a small Italian restaurant that was far from everything. Believe me I could not believe how people as a tourist spending my money in there peace of crap place get treated so poorly. GLAD I WENT OFF IN THERE FACES. THERE ALL TALK BUT NO ACTION. STUPID DUMBSH***
FRENCH ARE STUPID 07 Aug 2008, 10:05 - Report -
diversity and common ground!
I am french and in a relationship with an american guy since 3 years.
We are together often making fun of each other: you french are so rude! You american can't understand us!
I suppose when people are traveling to foreign countries, they're expecting to meet diversity : in customs mentalities and behaviors ...and they get prepared to the famous cultural shock.
The differences between french and american cultures apparently seem subtle, that brings us to neglect it until one gets upset and lashes out at the other.
Lots of clashes happened that way between my boyfriend and I. I would hurt his feelings with my harsh ways and my straight to the point comments...He would hurt mine judging my culture without really trying to adapt it : french are lazy, french are dirty, examining everything (in good or bad) from his american standards.
But we sticked together because our differences were at the end more attractive than repulsive! and learn to deal with our communication problems.
I would say although american's savoir vivre is less sophisticated than french's, they are more consensual people, better skilled at communication and live in a more extroverted oriented society .
French are probably closer to wild animal! Although very likely to follow complicated rules in society, they can be defensive, but once "tamed" are very devoted and laid back people.
It depends also on our personality and our capacity of adaptation in one's environment. I have been living for one year in Japan, but failed to adapt most aspects of its culture. I just don't fit in japanese society because of my sensibility although i enjoy and grew a lot from this experience.
Some do feel good around french, some don't.
There is definitely some truth in stereotypes, I just can't give credit to people who are overcritical and fuel blind controversy.
Bye! A bientot!Julie 13 Aug 2008, 09:44 - Report