germany sucks
it is over, Germany is full with nazis, and the east germany sucks.
It is ugly (not all), dirty and the ppl always sad... (not everybody but a 95% YESSSS)
i cant understand them, why can´t they enjoy the life???
Sorry but germany sucks.11 Mar 2007, 02:10 new york man
Why should I bash you? I will help to pack your suitcase and wish you a good journey.
Stefan 29 Jul 2008, 08:45 - Report -
People, dont let them manipulate you into fighting each other.
It´s the work of the eternal jew, who will reap the cash benefits in the end.rebecca 30 Jul 2008, 03:25 - Report -
oh man
you all just should come down...germany istn't the best country and either america is. there is NO "best" country....some people are bad, some people are germany there are as many neo-nazis as there are in america. all the propaganda you read in the newspapers and magazines (specially in england - the sun -) are ust crap. and yeah, i don't say that america hasn't got good education, but look at your history/geography lessons, on place number1 there is AMERICAN HISTORY, and you don't learn very much about culture in germany, iraq, and other countries. the reason why many people of many nations don't like america (repeat: don't like, not hate) is that they think they have to be the world police and it's the same with the american "democraty" as it is with communism or nationalism. compare the vietnam with iraq.
it's just crap to say i hate a country because people were unfriendly to me. When i go to the usa not everybody will give me a free taxi drive or say hello at the airport. if you do that much research you should know that when you walk through west germany, every third person is from turkey. i never killed one or told him to become a crist.
my grandfather now is 95 years old and has survived two worldwars, the great wall and other events. he is the niced guy you could ever meet and doesn't hate any peope. when there are elections, the NPD posters are always destroyed after less than 24 hours. 90% of germans are nazis and unfriendly and ugly? - untrue
all americans are fat and only eat fast food - untrue
germans import everything an have no liking - untrue
american education is bad - untrue
at places where proud exist, there will always be hatethe german "nazi" 31 Jul 2008, 03:47 - Report -
american history X
and please...2 worldwars? the last time germany "only" caused 2. worldwar...please, americans in this threat learn the general history not only the point of view of the so "great" usa...
another german "nazi" 31 Jul 2008, 06:10 - Report -
the world vs germany
1. Why are germans so serious?
Because we are not clowns grinning feeble-mindedly.
2. Scandinavians hate germans!
What have the vikings done? When were these deeds in lapse?fs 01 Aug 2008, 12:49 - Report -
Why does it suck? I like Germany (yes I'm Swiss-American)
I live here in Los Angeles, sucks or not but I don't understand how people can generalize things, many times they don't even know..?
Some thing might be worse or better, but generally I always felt very comfortable in Germany. Might be that the people are more serious than we americans but why would somebody judge that as very bad and terrible?
At least germans are often honest and straight forward, I guess that's why they are organized. Stop judging them for what happend a half century ago, times have changed, people have learned. Nowbody ever mentions what they did to help (sorry to say, but pay the world back) afterwards)
To me, you have to give people a chance, if you don't you will never understand them and their cultere..
I could move around here, or Germany I even think that many things (not just the food) have the same origins, with a similar culture..
Maybe it takes a while away from "home" to understand this, and especially your own culture ... wherever you might come from..what's the problem? 02 Aug 2008, 09:23 - Report -
I'm sure, there would be a lot more responses on this post if the Americans could to the calculation to post (below)
Proud American, but embarassed sometimes.. 02 Aug 2008, 09:25 - Report -
Ah ja
So, only a german could be a nationalsocialist?
Than take a look on this.
In german
In english 03 Aug 2008, 08:14 - Report -
germany is the most racist country i've known, black people can't go there without getting everyone staring down at you, as if you were going to murder everyone present.
f***ing mini-hitlers.FuckGerms 04 Aug 2008, 04:08 - Report -
The idiot who started this thread is an American, pay no attention to that retard.
Everyone knows that Americans are the most racist in the world, have the highest proportion of hate crimes in the world and is the most segregated in the world.
Germany is black man's paradise compared to the USA.USA sucks 04 Aug 2008, 08:52 - Report -
Klebold and Harris, two of America´s greatest heroes, who used their legally owned firearms and showed to the world, that even the weakest link can put up resistance to the jew-controlled US government, who is actively promoting the genocide of the white aryan race.
Boys, we miss you, may your memory always live on in our hearts. R.I.P.John 04 Aug 2008, 10:14 - Report -
the incredible american people..!
hello new york man..
are you shure that german people sucks?
look your people.. and tell me!
bye..for the gorgeous american people.. 05 Aug 2008, 12:43 - Report -
Past is called past, because it's over!
It's really sad, that so many of you guys still don't seem to be able to look beyond your horizon. What happened in Germany, during the 2 world wars was, terrible, unforgivable and inhumane. But, isn't that what war always is? Of course, WW2 was a war on a whole other level. But, I really believe that we past that. There are still some racist idiots over here, but it's like that in every other country in this world too. Nobody is perfect. Neither Germans, Americans, Russians or whoever.
But for me, as someone who is born in the late 80s, it is truly very.... strange to get judged by people who have never talked to me or even seen me, just by what they think the people that are / were living in the same country as I do. It's just not fair. It's like telling that all Americans today are racist idiots, just because their ancestors killed native Americans.
In fact, we don't need all this hate from foreign countries because of our past. The Germany history is still very alive in the heads of the people, and they're mostly reacting very sensitive, when this topic is discussed. it's like a big depression, and I hate it. I don't want to feel responsible, for something that people did, that lived way before my time. At least not more responsible, then how the rest of the world should feel. Because in fact, we're the ones who are splitting the world into countries, but in reality, we're all living in the same world, share the same water, sun and air. I mean, who is responsible for all the people that are dying in Africa for decades? We all are responsible for that, because we don't care enough, to get our asses up and change it! That's something I can feel responsible for, that I HAVE to feel responsible for, like everyone else in this of this sad, boring, racist and ignorant Germans 06 Aug 2008, 07:52 - Report -
very Goood to the "one of this sad, boring.."..
i agree with you..
but that´s the same situation of another Countries,.. the people do not know them but they hear and see many things in the TV that some times are not real or are exagerated to keep atention or to handel the information just because of politic or "special " reasons..
But that the people do not want to see is that Germany hat paid too much money to another Countries to make it up what another Generations had done.. and they take advantage of all the advantages that they have as "Victims"..Carmencita 06 Aug 2008, 08:03 - Report -
correction: America or USA??
it is not the same !!xxx 07 Aug 2008, 11:37 - Report -
germans are evil
if my grandfather and the rest of our grandparents hadn't gone out when he was 17 years old and bayuoneted a few of those godless f***s, there would have been a bunch of arian assholes raping and pillaging all of europe and possibly the states until someone did put a boot up there arrogant wicked asses. that was only 60 years ago. do you guys think they really forgot that? do you think that they're different now? they would try to pull that shit again if they thought they could. this forum is in english would you really want to betray your nation to save face with some kraut bastards. f*** em i think they should have stoped by berlin on their way back from hiroshima.
frank 08 Aug 2008, 02:39 - Report -
well 1st: thanks to Carmencita & Claudia.
Carmencita, I agree with you. But that's just the problem with the kind of medias we have today. They always seem to show only one (mostly very strong, extreme shown) side of a story. If they would just show the whole dimensions of a certain problem, I believe, that many conflicts and especially many prejudices wouldn't even exist. But that's how it is, and all we can do, is trying to make up our own opinions about things and try to find things out for ourselves. Usually the truth isn't the easiest thing to find.
I find it right, that the people that have been harmed trough WW2 by the Germans, got those reimbursement payments, at least as a sign for realization. You can't take away the pain with money.
I really think that it's time for a new beginning. We can't change what happened. But we can decide what will happen in the future. I feel like that Germany has changed. And that has, mostly happened thanks to the Allies. They built up this country again. Especially Americans. They helped us a lot, there's no doubt. And don't think, that this help is forgotten. But... I guess in this point I have to agree with k-nitrate. Sometimes, Germans, in general tend to block out things, that may be uncomfortable for them. They're ashamed. I'm not talking for everyone, and it's not just like that in Germany, I believe.
Some people are trying to make the politics of other countries seem "bad", because they still feel uncomfortable about their own past. You should know, that the things that happened in the war never really were discussed inside the families. My grandfathers were all very traumatized, after they came back. But they never talked about it with their children. They never explained what happened. Of course, you can see everything on television, or read it in books. But it makes everything much more understandable, if someone who has been trough all this explains it to you personally. After the war was over, people just totally suppressed what has happened. It was a taboo. Don't ask what happened. Especially the males. That's confusing.
But me personally, I never had problems to talk to another German objectively about politics. And I don't mind talking about it. Maybe you've just been around the wrong people for this kind of topics
but k-nitrate you're right, the whole attitude towards America has generally changed into the negative. I don't know why, but I realize that the once very positive, nearly idolizing thankfulness has changed to some kind of... bitterness.
As I said, I don't know why this happened, but we all shouldn't forget, that on the long, it isn't enough to earn your respect once. America has earned it's respect back then, but just as Germany has changed, America has too. America has to earn it's place, as well as Germany has. Glory doesn't last forever.
@ Frank:
It is good that the Allies won. There's not even a discussion about that yet.
Who are you talking to when you say "They"? Do you mean the Germans? They haven't forgot it. But it's nothing glorious to look back at.
As far as i can say, nobody has the ambition to "pull that shit again". Despite some brainless idiots maybe, that are a clear minority. Those kind of hate sermon doesn't bring anything helpful.
ps: @ k-nitrate.
It was the same with Germany, concerning the participation of Germans. Not everybody was okay with what happened. The majority seemed to be, but there always were some people that fought against the regime. Not to compare the situation in the US now with then in Germany...
My own great-grandfather hid Jewish people in his basement. They all survived, but he was killed as the Nazis found out that he hid of this sad, boring, racist and ignorant Germans 08 Aug 2008, 12:45 - Report -
Berlin, Germany
as a long-term foreign (non-us) resident employed here, there are couple of things about this country that irritate many people, even germans. as might be obvious since iraq, there is a large pseudo-left wing, anti-capitalist (often, as the nazis claimed, that means other non-german capitalists) undercurrent in germany. a major activity of these unconsciously revisionist attitudes is identifying other countries/people who are "worse" than germans, in the service of 19933-45, "the past that won't pass", largely because germans don't know how to achieve this since they don't have the honesty, trust and ability to confront issues that societies with the first principles of fairness, fraternity and equality have and depressingly, even educated germans tend to think other nationalities have "characters" - so they must have one as well and guess what it is.. this belief is a bit suprising since this is a central tenet of nazism, eg the "jews" are like this, the "slavs" are like that. and, also related to ww2, germans often dislike and complain about many aspects of their country. basically, the atmosphere is that much is old-fashioned and needs reformimg, and to desribe someone's behaviour/attitude as "deutsch" is usually an insult or a joke. then there's the sometimes grotesque provincialism. a lot of young germans run away to berlin to escape their allegedly claustrophobic small towns - and then complain about "impersonal" berlin which, coming from a new world country is fairly laughable, particularly since the street crime rate is so low even though many germans are obviously frightened of their own shadows and confuse dirty streets with threats to their person (the great historical bourgeois values of tidiness and order, exaggeratedly aped by german peasant culture, which the nazis played this one up, see dirty eastern europeans etc). but in the "capital city" the major piece of provincialism is the "berliner", a chip on the shoulder, pseudo-working class (the real german working class - i hear "pride" and "identity" in their somewhere -are probably mostly in the rhineland), people without much possibility to live elsewhere in germany (=a defintition of provincial) who lived on massive cold-war berlin susbsidies, and who hate having their dog-walking, beer-drinking, tiny little lives disturbed. they are the famous jfk "berliner", who actually didn't want the wall to come down (on both sides of it). attitudes have improved, helped by less cradle-to-grave employment security (many germans abuse the state and institutions that supports its people more than say, the us state does. as a french minister put it about the french recently: people should work more and stop thinking about their holidays)so there are now less surly bus drivers, arrogant shop assistants, permantly insulted lazy bastard government office workers, or people whose first question is "where are you from?" and never "how are you doing buddy?" and then the east: but that's another story of provincial paranoia. these things, like many things german, are being reformed of course but frankly on some days it's easy to have a f***ing gutful of running a de-facto retraining service for 200 years of historical failures, hardly to mention family losses (soldiers) in two world wars. by the way, there is still a big debate in germany as to whether the country was "liberated" or "defeated" in ww2.
Ted 10 Aug 2008, 07:16 - Report -
We don´t need you
Ami go home
and we stay hereLMAA 11 Aug 2008, 04:45 - Report -
Echt peinlich
das es hier noch Deutsche gibt (zum Glück wenige), die sich bei den Ausländern einschleimen wollen. Ihr bekommt bestimmt mal die goldene Dose Gleitcreme für 50 Jahre unfallfreies arschkriechen.
T. L. 11 Aug 2008, 08:28 - Report -
germany sucks^^
hey (:
i really don't like germany..they are so arrogant & think they are the best in everything! but they are not..they only came to the final in euro 2008 because of LUCK! they didnt play good they playey like SHIT..& they have been so sure that they'll win that^^ OMG
i was so happy that spainme 13 Aug 2008, 06:13 - Report -
Germany !!!
I´m from Germany...and I´m thinking you know this because my english or "americanish" isn,t very good. BUT Germany isn´t so terrible...It´s good, it´s near Netherland, it gives "Nordsee and Ostsee" and the people aren´t bad...Ok, ok some people aren´t nice or a Beauty but....are you nice or a Beauty ??? All people are a really good person...any people haven´t got friends ect. but ALL people are cool...You ,too
I mean: GERMAN or JAPAN...USA or CHINA...AUSTRALIA or AFRICA...all people or all country´s are "unterschiedlich" but cool...
Okay !?
in love Lucie König 12 years from CologneLucie 13 Aug 2008, 09:22 - Report -
Germany !!!
I´m from Germany...and I´m thinking you know this because my english or "americanish" isn,t very good. BUT Germany isn´t so terrible...It´s good, it´s near Netherland, it gives "Nordsee and Ostsee" and the people aren´t bad...Ok, ok some people aren´t nice or a Beauty but....are you nice or a Beauty ??? All people are a really good person...any people haven´t got friends ect. but ALL people are cool...You ,too
I mean: GERMAN or JAPAN...USA or CHINA...AUSTRALIA or AFRICA...all people or all country´s are "unterschiedlich" but cool...
Okay !?
in love Lucie König 12 years from CologneLucie 13 Aug 2008, 09:24 - Report -
go home ..who??
You would like to know who shall go home?
All foreigners who live in germany and who don´t like it here.
A foreigner is a foreigner and not a german.
Only a german passport does make a foreigner not to a German.
They should go home to her own country.
You write of the millions of Germans which were taken by the USA and Australia after the war. These people who let down her country at problems are only despicable. Our admiration must be for the women (most men between 16 - 60 were dead or into captivity.) who has built up germany after the war.
We are therefore annoyed with foreigners because many behave just like in this video.
By the way, the man had only said to them: smoking is forbidden here.Alles klar 14 Aug 2008, 03:52 - Report -
I don't know if Germany is full of nazis or not, I read once that 20% of German voters would vote far right but that's the same in most countries. I never discuss whether Germany is better or worse than other countries with Germans. If they don't like German things and worship foreigners because of the war, or if they hate foreigners or "antifa" that is their problem. If they break the law, they get in trouble. The lifestyle in Germany for me is about average I would say. Not really fantastic, not really bad. I would say that Germans are warm people generally but in many parts of the country they don't seem to take pleasure in contact with strangers. They are also uninventive with casual conversation which is probably where they get the reputation for being boring and distant. I am sure they are working on it.
Wodge 15 Aug 2008, 06:39 - Report -
i hate germany too i hate it everyday everyday i want go out of this f***in thang......
i want to move to usa or australia or latin america ...
someday i do it!FUCK GERMANy 16 Aug 2008, 04:03 - Report -
and what are you waiting for ???
x 16 Aug 2008, 04:35 - Report -
i dont know i dont have apprenticeship / vocational education yet.
If i have this i leave germany fast i can but i dont know which .. i would love to california but i dont got greencard... well u can help´?fafa 16 Aug 2008, 08:06 - Report -
this thread
is for foreigners coming to germany not for germans wanting to run away because they don't want to work in the pflegeheim, or are ashamed that oma was an amihure
Wodge 16 Aug 2008, 09:23 - Report -
@ fafa
Do you need money? Shall I falsify papers for you? I can kick you also into your ass that you fly from here to California. Main thing is we get rid of people like you.
By By, have a nice fly and please never come back.Deutschland 16 Aug 2008, 11:02 - Report -
@ Wodge
I think you are an ami but in any case you have humour. You know the most important german words for foreigners: Hure
Deutschland 16 Aug 2008, 11:09 - Report -
alfonzo 17 Aug 2008, 01:45 - Report -
alfonzo 17 Aug 2008, 01:46 - Report -
to alfonzo
I like it to be white and blonde
Blonde knight 17 Aug 2008, 11:05 - Report -
You probably are not invited to the good party´s in germany. This will have a reason.
Jacqueline 17 Aug 2008, 11:43 - Report -
bye bye..never to return...
Germans straightforward and honest? Shit! That's total bullshit. More serious? Don't you mean more depressed and miserable? They lie all the time, especially those in bureaucratic positions, completely UNorganized, don't know what they are doing, lazy, not wanting to help anyone even though that is what they are there for, everyone wants money for EVERYThing, shitty products that are WAY overpriced..
I can't WAIT to leave this horrible country full of dictators and controls...even my GERMAN husband agrees....he said this place is GOING DOWN....we're leaving VERY soon thank GOD never to return....Eilenne 18 Aug 2008, 01:35 - Report -
I think many people are just envy of the German.. the worst are the USA People.. they are the total bullshit !.
X 18 Aug 2008, 01:48 - Report -
Hate-thread starters around!
Wow, I've noticed that there are a couple of just pure ignorant Hatethreads around the forums like "Germany sucks" "Switzerland sucks" "French people are lazy!" etc. (Maybe all started by the same sad person?).
The obvious intend of these threads is to start hatred and prejudices.
There are pros and contras in every country and even then a pro could be the other guy's/gal's contra(argument). So lets just have a mature informative discussion and ignore the Haters.
I've to admit though it's quit funny how a bunch of knuckleheads here proclaim how ignorant, racist, bigoted and "bad" germany and the germans are while at the same time behaving ignorant, bigoted, xenophopic etc. themselfs towards a whole country/nationality xD.
It's a country of 80 million people ya dolts!!^^
And btw with millions of immigrants from countries like Poland, Turkey, Italy, Greece etc.(some of them living here of course also with german citizenship in the 3rd generation).
greetings from GermanyLeo 19 Aug 2008, 12:43 - Report -
Leo 19 Aug 2008, 10:39 - Report -
"hate" threads
Leo, I agree but I also think it is normal and healthy to complain when you live in a new country. Some people make good points in their comments, others don't. Also note that this thread is supposed to be for expats living in Germany, not for Germans. If these people don't like comments here they should piss off back to their own country - Germany - particularly as their advice/comments are mostly useless since they don't know how it is to be a foreigner in Germany, or probably anywhere.
Wodge 19 Aug 2008, 03:13 - Report -
Shut up!
Why are Americans pointing their dirty sticky fingers at other countries?
What does it mean to be proud to be american? Proud of slavery? Proud of the genocide against the native Americans? Proud of dirty wars against other nations?
Americans need to shut up and clean their own closet.Dirk 20 Aug 2008, 01:00 - Report -
One more thing ...
Besides, a lot of Americans are just dumb peasants. They visit other countries and are disappointed, because it´s nothing like in Disneyworld or the cinema.
The worst mental retards are in the US military though.
Please people, there´s no oil that can be stolen in Germany. PLEASE STAY HOME!Dirk 20 Aug 2008, 01:27 - Report -
I agree with Dirk, USA is shit. All the americans on this board who talk bad about germany are just jealous... Germany is light years ahead of the stupid, shit americans and Germany is infinitely more liberal and open-minded. Not a single country on this planet exports or makes or invents as much as Germany, and Germans are infinitely more open-minded and humble than the US / Anglo /Australian shitheads. Germany is the best country in the world and people who don't see that are stupid and jealous.
Soon to move to Germany 20 Aug 2008, 02:59 - Report -
To Eilenne.. Stop the German bashing
You are an idiot... If you think germany is like that, tell me where is it better? German people are the MOST straightforward, honest, open people I have ever met, they will NEVER block you for no reason and will always do their best to help you, inform you, or discuss things with you, if you have a good cause, even in administration matters. Why don't you go to switzerland and see how horrible those people/administrations are??
What you are saying is just bullshit, or else you are an idiot and don't know how to observe things properly. Germans are very self-critical and always trying to improve their things in relation to others. They are the most open to new ideas and people.
P.S: I have lived in 8 other countries besides Germany, and I can tell you that germany is the best when it comes to administration and people helping you out. Plus the German economy is the 3rd largest in the world and things are booming there right now. Please leave and never return, no one will ever stop you and no one will miss you.Germany is the best 20 Aug 2008, 03:20 - Report -
My point is that these kind of threads end up for the most part in little flamewars since the threadstarter had only indignities and no real arguments. Like I said I guess this was also his/her intend, to get people riled up(Germans vs. Americans vs. etc. like we can see on the first couple of pages).
I didn't really know that you shouldn't post in threads here that're about your own country, like I did, since most people seem to do it anyway in the different forums. So no I won't "piss off" also because Im already in GermanyI think that kind of input can often solve misunderstandings or add information(I've been to a lot of other countries myself - confronted with different mentalities).
Critisism is ok, you just do it with clean arguments and not dumb generalizations and abusive language.
But this seems to be the problem around here in general. No forum rules, stickies etc. and rasist, offensive comments don't get deleted by moderators(I doubt there even exist one here) which often ends up in childish name-calling and so on.
It wasn't really worth responding to this thread in the first place and thinking about it I take back the two swearwords from my first comment because otherwise that'd just play into the hands of the Flamers.
So long! LeoLeo 20 Aug 2008, 07:44 - Report -
O ha
World war III in internet. The whole world against germany.
123 20 Aug 2008, 09:45 - Report -
Germany is the best country on earth
I am definitely looking forward to moving to Germany, a nation of thinkers, scientists, engineers, and inventors. Just think about it, Germany was under two world wars and they rebuilt completely, now they are the biggest economy in europe, and largest exporter in the world. German products are of high quality. German women, german beer, and german loyalty are all the best. A german friend will be the most loyal, honest, and sincere. Germans are interested in meeting people from other cultures and in having friends from all over the world, no matter whether you speak german fluently or not. They are also very efficient, fast, and communicate very well. Germany is definitely the best place to live, work, and meet people.
Moving soon to Deutschland 20 Aug 2008, 05:50 - Report -
As some of these postings show,a lot of Germans are angry, resentful and confused about Western foreigners living in their country. It's hard to know that before you arrive here. That anger is one of the main complaints that such foreigners have about living in Germany, so you can understand that they don't necessarily want to discuss that with Germans.
Wodge 20 Aug 2008, 06:23 - Report -
to the german
i wondering why you are always so "begeister" über "Amerikan" (i mean USA people not the people from America the continent) when they have such a bad opinion about you..
fory most of you it seems to be the only place in the complete america and most of you are dreaming with the "american dream" too..XXX 23 Aug 2008, 09:12 - Report -
After all is said and done, there is only one conclusion that can be drawn:
Germany sucks.Peter 23 Aug 2008, 12:27 - Report