why do germans hates Brazil so much?
a recent british study showed that 40% of germans hate (or dislike)Brazil.germany was the country that most hated Brazil in the world.
i am brazilian,and i want ask you,germans: why do you hate Brazil so much?19 Mar 2009, 02:54 Proud Brazilian
to alex
This is awful,i come from the uk forum where some people offended us argentinians,then i go to the argentine forums and i cant say anything there because its just terrible and finally i come to the germany forum and some brazilian guy call us monkeys.THIS FORUMS NEED MODERATION!!
I think that i will not commenting anything here anymore....angie 21 Mar 2009, 01:24 - Report -
angie,beautifull argentinian girl
angie,dont be angry when i call you argentinians monkeys. you are our monkeys.you know that brazil is the boss of argentina,but we are a good boss for you.dont worry,we will care you argentinians like we always did in the past.you are our vacation colony and our puppy.
do you want date with me? argentinians girls are very hot!i already dated many argentinians girls in florianopolis,where there are moore argentinians than brazilians.i know that your country are failed,but we brazilians will suport you in this crise.afinal,nos somos "hermanos"não é mesmo! não fique ofendida,gatinha.eu gosto de você.esse alemão que esta xingando a argentina no tópico do reino unido é um idiota.(i hope you know portuguese too,like the majority of argentinians)proud brazilian 21 Mar 2009, 01:29 - Report -
i love argentinians girls! in my house there is much food,and i will let you to eat whatever you want! i know that you in argentina are very hungry...
come eat in my hand,argentinian girl!proud brazilian 21 Mar 2009, 01:32 - Report -
To brazilianproid
Hey brazil its a great country i will like to go there for vacation some day.You need to stop insulting argentina because we are not monkeys your not our boss,dont forget that we are in the mercosur today BUT who knows?tommorow we can leave the union because the mercosur only bring beneffits to brazilian economy.
angie 21 Mar 2009, 01:45 - Report -
Dont talk about poverty because brazil has many problems with that too,and other serius problems too!Nestor kirchner says that argentina its one of the most secure countrys of latinamerica i dont want to imagine how people live in other countrys.
And another stuff,argentina its the first country of latinamerica with higher salarys.
Of course we have a lot of problems too and making fun of that its awful.angie 21 Mar 2009, 01:54 - Report -
my little argentinian maid
answer me,little argentinian girl! do you want date me? i will give you some food for you and for your family.
and one thing more: pelé is better than maradona.hahahahahaproud brazilian 21 Mar 2009, 02:07 - Report -
all brazilians think about food and football
do brazilians have brain inside their heads?
i dont think so, they all the time think about football and all that stuff!!!
if you think all germans are gays, you fucking brazilian guy are wrongggggggggggggggggg!!
germans are absolutely hot!!
if you cannot date with one of them dont give you the right to write stupid things about germans!!!!
angie ignore him, brazilians think that they are the best iN latin america, but they dont know that there are another important economies like Argentina and Mexico.
there are many brazilians cleaning bathrooms and dancing in table dance for guys or women in Mexico and i bet there are many of them in Argentina or maybe in the rest of latin america to earn money for their poor families in Brazil, so shut up "proud brazilian"European agree with Alex 21 Mar 2009, 02:24 - Report -
european,aka alex nazi
you are a ignorant,motherfucker.there is a plenty of bolivians,argentinians and others cucarachas working in brazil(in são paulo)like slaves,but there is no brazilian in those countries,besides large land oweners.you know nothing about south america,then shut your mouth!brazil own paraguai,bolivia ,argentina and all these banana republicas.our industrie and economy made brazil the great power in latin america.go to search about it before posting bullshits that shame yourself.brazil alone has more population and more gnp than all other 11 countries of south america togheter.see a map,read the statistics and shut up,fucking piece of shit!
i know that you are the fucking alex nazi with another name.you cant disguise yourselfproud brazilian 21 Mar 2009, 02:42 - Report -
european,aka alex nazi
brazil has 200.000.000 millions habitants,but only 1.000.000 living abroad ,the majority in euro-shit and usa.brazilians seldom go living abroad.we prefer stay in our country.
i promise you that i will never go to your damned germany,if you promise to me that you will never come to brazil! have we a deal about that,piece of shit?proud brazilian 21 Mar 2009, 02:46 - Report -
Here in argentina we have lots of brazilians livin here!!so dont talk bullshit if you dont know!
Fucking bitch!angie 21 Mar 2009, 02:51 - Report -
angie,my argentinian maid
there are brazilians in argentina because they have business there,but no brazilian go to argentina to work like cheap worker.in brazil yes,there are a lot of bolivians,paraguaians,argentinians,peruvians and other cucarachas,working in são paulo factories for 50% of the salary that a brazilian work earn.
come to florianopolis(my city)my little argentinian monkey.we need more factory worker here,for the shoes industry.proud brazilian 21 Mar 2009, 02:59 - Report -
I say that they are livin here!!!they come here in the 90!
Yeah come to bariloche or brasiloche since that is full brazilian people in western.
You complain about germans who doesnt like brazil,but your a facking beast who treat their hermaos(or whatever its spelled in that facking dialect that you call language)like shit.
im over with this!
chau matate!angie 21 Mar 2009, 03:09 - Report -
in portuguese the word is "irmão",my little argentinian.you did not lean portuguese yet? you must learn portuguese,to live here in brazil.
you are my "irmã"(feminine genere of the word "irmão",but a poor sister,that can starve without our help.we brazilians never complain for help argentina.dont be ungratiful.bariloche is in argentina what the swiss alpes are in swiss.many rich brazilians live there to have fun.
dont be angry,angie.i know that because brazil is the big brother in south america,all you , small"irmãos", little countries of south america,need our suport.i am not complaining about that.and i am not treating you like shit.proud brazilian 21 Mar 2009, 03:25 - Report -
what a fucking narcicist!!matate irmao entendes??poor sister my ass,im not poor im not angry,But im really piss off about a fucking beast...Big brother my ass,you didnt care about latinamerica Stop pretending,you are fake narcicist facking beast!!
angie 21 Mar 2009, 03:32 - Report -
Have some manners irmao!!unneducated narcicist beast!
angie 21 Mar 2009, 03:36 - Report -
angie,my argentinian
this time it was almost right. you forget the "~"above the "a"of the world.the correct was "irmão",but i think you are a woman,then "irmã".
and dont worry,we brazilians know that great power bring great responsabilities.we go on suporting you,little "irmãos"of the latin america,our dwarf neighbors.
do you wanna date me,little cucaracha?you must be very hot in the bed! i would like f. you till the sunrise!i will try be more educated with you,my little sisterproud brazilian 21 Mar 2009, 03:45 - Report -
i will punch you in your facking face!!!facker!
im losing my time with a patetic loser!!i will seriusly kick your ass!!angie 21 Mar 2009, 04:10 - Report -
@ angie
@ angie let's stop losing time with the proud jerk. everybody who has been to brazil knows that he is wrong. i think he is so unhappy with his life that the only fun he has is going to the internet and write shit. in buenos aires i have seen that there are many brazilians cleaning up the garbage for argentines.
@ proud idiot: you wish that I fell in love with you. secretly you wish to have sex with a german guy. hehehe but it will never happen.
I only wrote to you because it was fun for me to me to see how you make a fool out of yourself. like an angry little monkey :P maybe in a few years i'll see you working in a hotel in argentina cleaning the garden begging the tourists for cigarettes or chewing gum. byeAlex 21 Mar 2009, 10:24 - Report -
Alex human garbage
you are a ignorant and a fucking liar.ask to angie if there is brazilians cleaning garbage in argentina ,motherfucker.you dont know south america.you are a german white trash,a fucking illeterate garbage that know nothing besides the streets of your rural vilage in germany.i think that you are the one here that clean streets to make money.your dream is get fucked by a brazilian cock,fucking queer,but it will never happen.
you know nothing about geopolitic or geografy.you are a loser.you dont know german history,neither south american history.if all germans are like you ,germany is the most silly country in the world.Proud Brazilian 21 Mar 2009, 04:59 - Report -
alex trash
it is because ignorant people like you that brazilians dislike germans.you are so full of racism and nazism are still so deep in your soul that you cant believe that a mixed race country like brazil can dominate a white country like argentina.but is this that happen here in south america.
your prejudices blind you,like already blinded hitler.you germans only see what fit with your prejudices and racism.but japan ,china and brazil dont fit with these prejudices,because these countries are not whites,but are developed and powerfull.although you cant belive because you are a hitler follower.(everybody know, hitler was a queer and he was crazy too)
your nazi prejudices dont change the fact that china ,brazil, japan,are rich and powerfull,although these countries are not whites.awake,german racist! the world of the future will be ours!Proud Brazilian 21 Mar 2009, 05:17 - Report -
read this ,alex garbage
Proud Brazilian 21 Mar 2009, 05:20 - Report -
here,a part of the text about brazilian investiments in argentina,of the link above
ARGENTINA: The Brazilian Investment Invasion
By Marcela Valente*
BUENOS AIRES, Jun 11 (IPS) - Heavily invested in the oil and cement industries, as well as mining and steel, textiles, cosmetics, banks, food and beverages, Brazilian capital is edging Europe out of pole position in foreign direct investment (FDI) within Argentina.
Its expansion is part of a general upward trend in foreign investment originating from developing countries. Within the global context, the surge of private investment from Brazil into Argentina, its largest neighbour, is seen by experts as one of the most dynamic regional examples of the phenomenon.
"Brazil is the source of between 35 and 40 percent of FDI in Argentina," said Fernando Porta, one of the authors of a study titled "La internacionalización de las empresas brasileñas en Argentina" (Internationalisation of Brazilian Companies in Argentina), published by the Buenos Aires office of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC).
Argentina has been receiving an average of four billion dollars a year in FDI since 2003, nearly 40 percent of which comes from Brazil. Of that Brazilian capital, 55 percent went into mergers and acquisitions, 25 percent into expansion of existing investment and the remaining 20 percent into installing new capacityProud Brazilian 21 Mar 2009, 05:22 - Report -
Thats why Cristina its tryng to stop the brazilian invation...And lula its very piss off about it.
angie 21 Mar 2009, 05:27 - Report -
We are less than 40 million of people and the 60% of our economy its based on agronomy... we are tryng to make the industry progress but its gonna take time and proteccionism.
angie 21 Mar 2009, 05:31 - Report -
The food crisis its very convenient to argentina economy and brazilian too...
Anyways,i hope the all region of southamerica progress.Im not like you,i think that the union makes you more strong.A southamerican union of economys will be really succesfull unfortunately selfish goverments(im not pointing on brazil)stupid dictators are ruined the region.angie 21 Mar 2009, 05:37 - Report -
Alex illeterate nazi
do you want more,alex nazi trash? there is thousands of sites in the web that can show you who is the boss in latin america.brazilian territory is larger than all europe.you are a ignorant that know nothing,and a fucking liar! you are the only fool here. all south americans see how you are fool when you say that brazians live in argentina.there is only 30.000 brazilians in argentina,but 60.000 argentinians in brazil.in genaral,brazilians like to stay in our country.
you are a ignorant that are shaming yourself and germany here with the bullshit you write. you have no data and no good points,and only know write prejudices and swear like a nazi.you dont win with swears and ignorance,piece of shit. show data ,and proof what you said. things in the world will not be like you want only because you want,little monkey. you can lie here all the day that brazil is dominated by argentina,but it will not change the fact that brazil control argentina and all latin america,and brazil is one of the most developed and powerfull countries in the world.
go drink some beer in oktoberfest, till die by alcoholic come,pile of garbage.Proud Brazilian 21 Mar 2009, 05:40 - Report -
i want you,my little argentinian girl.do you give me a kiss? eu quero beijar tua boca com paixão,minha gatinha linda!
Proud Brazilian 21 Mar 2009, 05:45 - Report -
oh no no,theres more than 30.000 brazilian people here!Remember they coming here in the 80 and 90 they started familys.I know this!In my school theres a plenty of argentinian of brazilian descendents.
60.000 argentinian in a country of 200.000.000 millions of people its nothing not a big difference to complaing...angie 21 Mar 2009, 05:53 - Report -
voce seu muito creido..voce nao pode falar do argentina asim!recuerda somos irmaos eh?mais respeito.
angie 21 Mar 2009, 06:00 - Report -
Mais respeito camisinha!brasileiro taradinho(ese e un halago muito famosinho na argentina)beijos..
angie 21 Mar 2009, 06:06 - Report -
@ proud shit
i'm not racist. as i told you my girlfriend is from china. and i have really been to brazil believe it or not. i don't hate brazil. i only hate agressive, xenofobic people like you. i only said the thing about argentina because it's very funny to say how you get angry. but seriously... in argentina and mexico (= a mixed race country too) i did not see such favelas and such poverty like in brazil.
i don't say that brazil in general is poor. but the difference between rich and poor there is extreme. like in brazil there are homeless children who cannot go to school.that is something that i don't like. why do the rich people in brazil don't do more to help them ? you could do it instead of writing hate messages on the net, don't you think ?
also no one can chose where he is born. it's only a coincidence you were born in brazil and not in germany and argentina. i think it's stupid that you think you are better than people from other countries.
also china's economy is growing like 10% and brazil's like 3% or so. you cannot compare the two places please.Alex 21 Mar 2009, 06:06 - Report -
angie,a link to you about brazilians in argentina
angie,above i put the link that proof what i saidnly 30.000 brazilians in argentina.
of course we are brother.i already said that we brazilians never complain for help argentina.dont worry.
eu gosto muito da argentina,e das mulheres argentinas mais aindaProud Brazilian 21 Mar 2009, 06:06 - Report -
@ proud xenofobe
something to read for you:
http://brasilblog.net/panorama/5205/sucht-nach-aufmerksamkeit-wie-krank-ist-paula-oliveira-wirklich/Alex 21 Mar 2009, 06:09 - Report -
beijos,gatinha.venho conhecer florianopolis,minha princesa! fique na minha casa,hospedada.para mim,seria um prazer
Proud Brazilian 21 Mar 2009, 06:11 - Report -
@ angie
Angie, ahora vamos a ignorar ese tonto brasileno ? donde en argentina vives ? pienso que eres una persona muy linda y amigable. por que hay personas de chile que hablan mal sobre argentina ? i guess the internet attracts crazy people who have no life. i hope some day we will live in a better world without hatred.
Alex 21 Mar 2009, 06:13 - Report -
Gracias por tu comentario alex.Vos sos aleman??muy buen español tenes entonces,yo soy de buenos aires.
Te cuento:
El tema con Chile es muyyyy largo,empezo con la patagonia en el año del ñoupa cuando argentina conquisto la mayor parte de la patagonia.Apartir de ahí los chilenos nos tienen bronca,muchas decadas despúes argentina casi va a la guerra con chile en el 78 durante la dictadura(el papa juan pablo evito que esto suceda)despúes y lo peor para muchos argentinos y la razón por la cual hay mucha tensión entre nosotros es porque durante la guerra de malvinas los chilenos apoyaron a inglaterra.Eso desde el punto de vista argentino fue una gran traición.
Igualmente es el dia de hoy que muy poco se sabe sobre chile en la argentina.angie 21 Mar 2009, 06:23 - Report -
Do que ayuda voce esta falando??
angie 21 Mar 2009, 06:27 - Report -
para mim or pra mim??voce esta falando portuñol?
eu gostaria du visitar floria pero nao com personas creidas como voce.Sim ofenderangie 21 Mar 2009, 06:33 - Report -
alex nazi and beautiful angie
alex nazi,you lost your time posting that link,i dont know only word in german language,and i dont lose nothing,because german is almost a death language.
Angie,não perca tempo com esse viado(maricon) alemão,converse comigo,que sou macho e viril,minha bela argentina.Proud Brazilian 21 Mar 2009, 06:36 - Report -
above i mean "one word of german",although i wrote "only word".
Angie,"pra"is the colloquial form of "para".in portuguese,is more right write "para".many people talk "pra",but write "pra"is a grammatical mistake.
and come to my house in floripa! i am not too rude like it look.i will treat you very well,beautiful argentinian.i might be the love of your life,and you dont know.dont wast your time with that german queer.i am the right man for you,lady.Proud Brazilian 21 Mar 2009, 06:43 - Report -
macho viril jajajaj voce seu casi argentino.
El alemao e muito amistoso e agradavel.Mais nou entendo alemao tampoco.angie 21 Mar 2009, 06:49 - Report -
Nao sea mentirosinho,voce tiene namorada.Eu no creo una soa palabra.Eu tengo namorado tamben..
paz y amor irmaoangie 21 Mar 2009, 06:58 - Report -
he is friendly and plasant because he is gay,but he dont a woman to make love with her.dont wast your time,my angel.come to me,and be happy!i will show you the beachs of floripa!
Proud Brazilian 21 Mar 2009, 06:58 - Report -
eu estarei esperando você,gatinha,se você mudar de idéia.seria um prazer estar contigo aqui.
paz e amor,irmã,e um beijo bem na tua linda boquinha!Proud Brazilian 21 Mar 2009, 07:01 - Report -
ok paz e amor sim offender somos irmaos.
angie 21 Mar 2009, 07:19 - Report -
@ proud shit
i told you that i have a girlfriend. you probably don't have one and that's why you are so frustrated... right ? you beg girls on the internet to visit you in your God forsaken house because you never had sex. i guess even the cheap prositutes there reject you. :P
why should angie spend her holiday in a small shabby hut in a favela with a rude guy ? she could find a better brazilian than you. when i went to brazil on the business trip i met some very nice brazilians who are educated with a university degree and polite and not xenofobe like you.Alex 21 Mar 2009, 07:22 - Report -
alex garbage
you are a fucking german idiot that dont know how to treat a woman,piece of shit!florianopolis are not a favela,fucking ignorant.it is one of the most beautiful cities ,with the most beautiful beachs in the world.i am tired to lose my time with you,fucking white trash! go drink some beer,and dream with hitler fucking your ass,piece of shit.soon germany will be to brazil what argentina is today,a colony.
and if you have a girlfriend,i am jesus,motherfucker.you germans dont like women.Proud Brazilian 21 Mar 2009, 07:32 - Report -
see florianopolis,piece of shit
florianopolis is full of argentinians and tourists.see the link below ,piece of shit!
and other link
http://www.florianopolis.info/florianopolis-city-pictures.htmlProud Brazilian 21 Mar 2009, 07:34 - Report -
alex garbage
other link of floripa,motherfucker
now show me some pictures of your german hamlet,piece of shitProud Brazilian 21 Mar 2009, 07:37 - Report -
@ proud shit
here proud xenofobe. i found the right link for you.
http://www.florianopolis.info/gay-florianopolis.htmlAlex 21 Mar 2009, 07:44 - Report
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