English Schools in Kuwait
We are relocating to Kuwait from Dubai over the summer and I would like to find out which is the best English school in Kuwait offerring the British curriculum. I would be grateful of your comments and advice on this matter
Thanx in advance22 May 2007, 11:37 Lora
American or British Sustem !!!!
My kids in British "Oxford School" in Salwa,and all my friends are blame me about this school and british system ! so I want to transfer my kids to Kuwait American school in Salmiya. I hope that not the wrong step for my kids life!!!! so I need please an advice
Hiba k 07 Oct 2008, 01:12 - Report -
Dictionary for free
If anyone wants to found English word meaning& the Translation ! its very simple I will give you a free site
all you need to do is just click the link below www.thefreedictionary.comHiba k 07 Oct 2008, 01:23 - Report -
British schools
Not sure of % of Western kids but there is a real mix. Most of my friends' kids go there [Brits]. They do IGSCEs which are International GCSEs. ASK is an American school so i assume they will do USA qualifications. The head teacher at KES is Mrs Carew - i am sure she can supply you with more info.
Hiba, i am British so i am biased - i would say British is best. Good luck.Pi 08 Oct 2008, 05:54 - Report -
British School
thanks for your info, i really do appreciate your timeI still think i would much rather my son do GCSE,s. If you dont mind me asking how long have you been in Kuwait & was it a complete culture change
Ange 08 Oct 2008, 06:01 - Report -
Life in Kuwait
Ange - this is my 11th year!! We only meant to stay for a couple of years and we are still here. Yes, it can be a bit of a culture shock. It took me about 6 months to really get used to the place. After living in blighty for so many years you also have to get used to the heat here.
You have to make a real effort here to socialise as you don't have the usual pubs and clubs. You socialise in people's houses etc.
The culture here is very much about shopping and eating out. It can get a little tedious but once you make an effort to join clubs and make friends life can become interesting. But you do have to work on it.The fact that you have kids means you will instantly get to meet other people with kids which will help develop your social circle.
good luckPi 10 Oct 2008, 10:37 - Report -
help please
does any one have any experience with the canadian school in kuwait .
please waiting for your help.suzy 10 Oct 2008, 03:59 - Report -
colleges in Kuwait
Hello everybody and greetings to you all from Canada
I am a well travelled ESL teacher from Canada looking for a college teaching assignment in Kuwait
The problem is that I cannot seem to access a list of the universities and colleges in Kuwait on the internet
Hopefully, there is somebody that can help me with this
My e mail address is [email removed]
Thank you in advanceLarry 20 Nov 2008, 10:48 - Report -
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well, one person thinks that IAK is pretty good, small affordable, good teaching system i guess. some think that this gemma person sucks, others dont, looool, i dont recommend KNES. I hear that KES is pretty good, if you dont mind your kids mindling with girls/boys, teaching in it is good but not high security in these boy-girl things, though u can trust ur kid wont skip class. NES BSK GES total hazard!! i mean not meaning the education, just the kids over there are totally screwed.. not all but most, if ure from these skools dont get offended, ure probably good but other students arent. and well these are the british system schools so far. (dont hate me for my opinions, i didnt mention my skool cus it totally sux now after i graduated) good luck with your choices
darklight 10 Dec 2008, 04:41 - Report -
Help and Advice
Well it seems that those purporting to be teachers lack the expertise to write in fluent English. Such a shame that this forum is being used to exchange insults. I, too, am looking for a suitable school for my children aged 11 and 12 starting next summer. I would appreciate constructive criticism and helpful advice. Thank you.
Anne 10 Dec 2008, 11:24 - Report -
reply to Bill
About the American Academy.... its not that good! my suggestion: you take your daughter as far away as possible from this school because it will harm her. The education is below average if not mediocrely crappy, the teachers are jokes and without a doubt the worst I've encountered; they have no teaching experience what so ever and the ones that do are either leaving or switching to an administration position. The students are very awful; they have attitude problems and are very prone to forming cliques; they have no respect for anything or anyone. The school is always disregarded if not ignored when it come to extracurricular activities and are usually very low and limited in that area. All in all its a propoganda school whos not worth your precious time; my advise is take your child to the American International School of Kuwait its the best there is and will definetly provide her with the education she deserves.
anonymous 20 Dec 2008, 09:39 - Report -
that sounds nice but what about the prices it doesnt say in the internet
joanna 16 Jan 2009, 09:30 - Report -
Joanna, why don't u call them up and ask?
smithie 17 Jan 2009, 03:10 - Report -
Is Knes really that bad? We are a teaching couple and would appreciate it if some one can tell us the truth about this school
David 19 Jan 2009, 06:12 - Report -
Kuwait National English School
Does anyone know about this school? We are being interviewed for teaching jobs there, but would ike to know what those in the know know!!
Paula 21 Jan 2009, 03:24 - Report -
Assalam ALykum,
Can indigenous from Nigeria apply for the school. We need school fee free school to learn.
Any Assistance is welcome to enable us study and learn.
[email removed]Abdul Rasheed 27 Jan 2009, 11:22 - Report -
Looking for someone
Hello. I'm looking for John Raper. He was teaching physics at The English Academy. He disappeared after his wife passed away. Does anyone know anything about him?
hj 27 Jan 2009, 11:19 - Report -
Childish behaviour
If I was an expat coming here for advice, I would be terrified to bring my children. You should all be ashamed of yourselves. I too have been 'bitten' by a couple of malicious heads of schools and crooked admin, but for god's sake, leave it at home.......Not all schools here are good, not all are bad, not all teachers are qualified, not all aren't.
Mum and teacher 05 Feb 2009, 11:16 - Report -
altkamol school
hiii,my child he is in kg one,what do you think? is altkamol agood school??is it emac school ?
sara 08 Feb 2009, 02:13 - Report -
I was dismissed from Dasman model school after my 60 day trail period. I was not given any written warning. I was notified that I was to leave the country and I was also told that they were not going to repatriate me or give me a flight home, I had to do that on my own. I also had to give up my apartment as well. The contract I signed clearly states that they would pay for a ticket back home. My passport and ID was cancelled and I was forced to move out of my apartment with no place to go. I had to raise the money to get home on.
While I was there I was placed in a classroom with second graders and told to keep them engaged in learning with no books, materals, worksheets or supplies. I found out that I was expected to come up with the things I needed on my own and not get reimperessed. They finally came up with Saxon materials that hardley was enough to teach with. I was expected to buy the extra materials to renforce the lessons. This was told to me by my principal and Irene Henderson the superintendent. They told me where to go and buy the things I needed.
I had an aide who was in the room with me that was of some help. She also spoke to the kids in arabic, I dont speak arabic. This is a bilingual school and english is supposed to be spoken. She also would talk to the parents in arabic and I did not know what was said to the kids or the parents. She was also worried about getting her breaks in. I did not have any scheduled breaks or lunch. I also found out she was getting paid from the school and the goverment as well. This put her pay at about twice mine.
When I got hired I was told by Irene Henderson that I was going to be placed on the pay scale with 10 years experience that would give me 765 dinars a month. I found out later that everyone who was hired was getting 765 dinars a month. It did not matter if you were a first year teacher administrater or the degree you had. Now they are going to cut everyones pay for next year.lee 09 Feb 2009, 12:38 - Report -
attention lee- so guess why you WERE fired lee?
Well I am glad you were fired for being unable to spell:
reimperessed= reimbursed.....
administrater: administrator
( NO, they AREN'T typos.....)
Not to mention your inability to use correct grammar:
''materials that hardley was enough to teach with'' (were)
To coin a phrase- thank F you never got near my kids..........Lee, go back to school and learn how to speak/write the language before you come prancing over here trying to 'teach' our kids how to use it.A thankful parent and teacher who can spell 10 Feb 2009, 08:52 - Report -
Looking for Bristish schools
What about the BSK, GES, The english play group? not anyone that is good.
I tried the NES and KES but my son did not do well in the exam. Waiting for the ESK reply regarding him and his brother.
I'm really worried about my 2 sons future as i could not found till now any qualified school for them.Manor 16 Feb 2009, 06:29 - Report -
Queen Bee 19 Feb 2009, 08:31 - Report -
Im a 15 yr old living here in Kuwait. I was born in America but grew up in Canada. I came here when i was 12. Im currently attending a Pakistani "Excel" English School. Why? It's because the american schools here need 100kd and thats ONLY for just the registration. And another 6000 for the whole school year! Im an American citzen, so shouldnt they pay the fee for me? Oh, and did i mention what grade i was in? Im in grade 6! Why? It's because i've missed 4 years of school here fighting 2 get in2 a school, so they just accepted me. And they didn't even provide me with an option to up grade!Like what they do in Canada.......So can SOMEONE please tell me what the HELL should i do? PLEASE! IM DESPERATE!
A.J 27 Feb 2009, 07:19 - Report -
Extra curricular activities
I have so far found the discussions on this forum both informative and terrifying! Parents want constructive criticism on the schools on offer as finding a new school for your child in a new country is really daunting. The slanging matches going on are unhelpful and unprofessional and I too am shocked by the poor spelling used by 'teachers'.
Could someone please tell me which schools give a good all round education and a good balance of extra curricular activities? My child will be starting Year 2 when we move to Kuwait and currently enjoys ballet, gymnastics, swimming, piano etc and would like to continue with these whilst we are there. Do all of the schools also teach Arabic?
ThanksRC 07 Mar 2009, 12:07 - Report -
Disgraceful misuse of a useful information forum
I think those people who use this forum to vent their spleen against others should be ashamed. People like me would like some USEFUL information on how to choose schools. I am visiting soon to see for myself and choose a school - but I am very fortunate to have the time and the funds. Others out here are not so lucky. Please restrict your comments and give us some real facts and figures.
Annakatrine 12 Mar 2009, 11:34 - Report -
Top 2 internationally accredited schools
My daughter 2 years and 10months getting ready to start school in September. Any advice on which are the top 2 private schools in Q8? Moreover, is it advisable to keep my daughter at the nursery until she's 4 and later on move to School? because the system in finland is different they start school at 7..
MLR 25 Mar 2009, 08:33 - Report -
MLR - one answer: The English School
marty 25 Mar 2009, 04:02 - Report -
Just browsing the site. Am dumbfounded by the criticism of Gemma Furey. I worked with Gemma for a number of years and can say hand on heart, she was a very competent teacher and a lovely person. Horace was a good bloke too although I didnt work in the same dept. Cant comment on schools in Kuwait nowadays as am out of place for a while, but please, Terminator, cut out the badly spelt crap about others and perhaps take a long look at your vitriolic self!!
Ken 26 Mar 2009, 10:45 - Report -
Stop guys "TEA" is the best
Come on guys why would u say such horibble things about the english academey in jabriya?. Im a student who has been in that school since 7 years. i know the place more than u do. The staff r great they r there wen ever u need them. so stop it u freaks u dont know wat the hell ur talking about . dont believe in rumors ppl say them to ruin the schools place an i wont allow that to happen .I'll stop any1 wholl do that cus thats wat TEA tought me ,which is stand 4 my rights and be brave cus im strong and i believe i can do it myself.
Maha Al- Mansoori 29 Mar 2009, 04:18 - Report -
I looked at the "top 3" British Schools
I posted earlier and said we should give constructive info, so now that I have paid Kuwait a visit, here goes: BSK was fine. High tech in that all pupils need a laptop. Friendly, good mix of nationalities. Facilities OK and good extra curricular, but all extra cost. NES head scary lady (thank heavens she would not teach the kids). Less reinvestment into facilities. Higher ratio of arabs to westerners observed. Huge emphasis on passing exams. KES was fine too. More rounded approach. Teachers approachable - only school that let the pupils show us around. Balanced mix of nationalities. Better sports facilities and acceptable extra curricular - most at no cost. My advice is to visit if at all possible (not always the case) as all schools webpages are sadly lacking in quality and do not reflect ethos of schools. We also heard from other expats whilst we were there that high achievers are desperate to get into NES because of their high pass rates but decided that was not the school for our own kids. Hope somebody finds this useful!
Annakatrines 02 Apr 2009, 10:43 - Report -
i love this skool - best in kuwait - full of life and fabulous teachers. My Engish teacher is the one mentioned above and she is strict but so much fun - i laugh and smile in her classes -lol in English as a second language - set 1! We wil miss her!
Su 07 Apr 2009, 10:38 - Report -
whoops - *English* - yes, i can spell!!
Su 07 Apr 2009, 10:40 - Report -
The primary English school
Any body have an idea about The primary English school which is next to TES - Salmiya.
Actully, I'm planing to register my doughter on it so would like to have information about it.need a help 11 Apr 2009, 05:59 - Report -
Really dunno knows nufink!
'Really dunno' - you sound like someone who needs to go back to school yourself - LOL!!!
Know all 20 Apr 2009, 02:40 - Report -
Need Good English School
I am looking for a English School for an American female age 13. I will appreciate any assistance.
SE 21 Apr 2009, 09:33 - Report -
To all
Dear all, families including ours wanted good and honest views about schools. Please don't use this forum for arguments. It is clear by now that TEA is not the right place for our kids. I have been searching for a month now in Kuwait and can tell the families that the first choice would be TES (priority is given for British nationals) then KES and NES. competition on places are high. so families need to apply very early for their kids. Fahaheel is also a very good school, but far for families who will reside in Kuwait city, Salmiya, Salwa or arround.
Tarek 26 Apr 2009, 04:04 - Report -
i went to the english school fahaheel(ESF) in kuwait its a good school my brothers went to it and my couzins its a a good school its new premiesbuilding) is naw in mangf, kuwait there website is skee.com
??? 26 Apr 2009, 07:08 - Report -
i am in the english acadmy
Jassem alayoubi 28 Apr 2009, 06:40 - Report -
I do know how to spell :P
I graduated there*
lolSome Student 12 May 2009, 03:28 - Report -
The English Academy
I have to agree with some of the comments here: This forum should not be a place for childish and vitriolic slanging matches. The original request was for advice about where to get an education for a family's children - not which school management has been mean to you!
I work at The English Academy at present. It's a good school, with a strong, well-motivated staff. The students are relaxed, happy and proud to be part of the school. Many have been at the school since KG and would never consider going elsewhere - they are inordinately fond of the place. Relationships with parents are good, and there are few behaviour issues with students. Our IGCSE results last year were excellent.
As for the school management, they do a good job (As in any workplace, not everyone sees eye-to-eye with everyone else all of the time, but, on the whole the school is managed very well, and the staff are happy working there. Any issues with ex-members of staff certainly don't affect the education the students experience!)
One bit of advice I would give prospective parents is that the pupils are predominantly Arabic speakers (although all lessons are conducted in English - it's a UK-based curriculum) so non-Arabic speakers can find break times difficult at first. Despite this, we have a number of students who arrived at the school just a few months ago with no Arabic, and who have picked up the basics of the language already. They now fit right in, and have plenty of friends.
Other schools with good reputations: TES, NES, BSK, KES (but, like TEA, these too have their good/bad points)
Take the advice others have provided: get out here and see the schools for yourself. Take the bitter comments voiced here with a pinch of salt.
I hope that helps!A teacher with a little bit of professionalism 13 May 2009, 05:33 - Report -
Pleeease Gemma Furey getting away with murder?? sure she did those are just rumours i go to the english academy and i love it ! its for sure the BEST school i have ever been too! im proud to say that i am an english academy student it might not be the fanciest school but the teachers are your friends and the students are your siblings
BADY 14 May 2009, 02:23 - Report -
Cambridge English School
Avoid Cambridge English School. They don't even protect your children's safety, for example, a manhole is regularly left open in a corridor the Early Years children use every day and the pool is left open too - sometimes when it is empty. A few teachers are pleasant but a few are downright abusive even to teeny tiny 3 year olds. I know, I worked there! I'm leaving as a matter of principle.
Ghada 15 May 2009, 04:34 - Report -
Online Mathematics Tution for classes 7th to 10th
I am a MSc Mathematics, BEd and have more than five years of experience as TGT Mathematics in a convent school in New Delhi, India. I am interested in teaching Mathematics online to classes 7th to 10th , If interested please contact me at my email id " [email removed]" .
Monika MehtaMonika Mehta 24 May 2009, 03:39 - Report -
What is this school like? Please only answer if you are a parent or pupil/teacher. Many Thanks
Leroy 02 Jun 2009, 02:16 - Report -
The English Academy Kuwait
Really THE ENGLISH ACADEMY is one of the best schools in kuwait because its one of the schools that the students fineshing year 11 are geting A's. please dont say things that are not wanted because if you dont like the school just keep it to yourself. You dont like people saying what they think about your school!!!!!
Abdulla Q 04 Jun 2009, 12:32 - Report -
I stayed in Tea for 10 years now and i dont want to think about going to another school.
TEA is a great school and the teachers are the best.Abdulla Q 04 Jun 2009, 12:48 - Report -
Did you try to learn piano through skype?
I am interested to learn piano through skype.I learn how to play this instrument about 2 years.I heard about piano through skype. Please share with me yours experience
AnnaAnna Brown 11 Jun 2009, 06:47 - Report -
Dasman Model school hiring practice
I know a lady from the States that is a meth addict with bi-polar tenancies that got hied on at Dasman Model School special needs. What does that say about their hiring practices? To hire a meth user to work with kids.
concern 03 Jul 2009, 07:30 - Report -
School in kuwait
Dear Lora,
Hmmm... well speaking as a teacher whose taught here for over 5 years and has spent most of my childhood here I would recommend the following schools: TES, BSK, NES, KES and Atakamul. If you had a choice, these would be the top 5. (bearing in mind there are other good schools but are what I would term second division schools) They are a bit on the pricy side but you get more for money than you would in other schools. Bear in mind that even these good schools have their shortcomings. Out here its "take the best of the worst." At the end of the day they are all money making institutions(though TES is non-profit). Best advice I can give is for you to visit the all the schools then make your decision.(Best time to see a school would be when it is in full swing) Bear in mind these schools have somewhat high standards and your child/children will be expected to take entrance tests and a possible interview. TES I believe has a higher ratio of expat to kuwaiti's in the school than others. When you go to any school ask about the qualifications of the teachers in the age group you aim to place your child. You could ask to see examples of work from that year group too. Also ask about extra-curricular activities for your child as there isn't much to do in Kuwait. Its important that you get your child involved in activities after/during school and ask about school events through the year. You'll find that a child's social calendar will revolve around school and school friends. I wish you the best of luck on your school hunt. (p.s steer clear of KNES and cambridge)SS 14 Jul 2009, 03:54 - Report
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