Luxembourg with family

Child-friendly activities

Luxembourg with family

Luxembourg is a perfect destination for a different summer break with your family. The many outdoor activities on offer, combined with museums and child-friendly attractions mean there is something to satisfy every family member.

There are a lot of fun activities to do while on a holiday to Luxembourg.

  • Animal Farm: The Ardennes region has an animal park near the banks of the river Messancy. This park is a fun place to take a day trip with your kids. They can see many  animals native to the region. Just pack a picnic basket and you can give your kids a wonderful time out in the wilderness.
  • Cycling in Luxembourg: The landscape of Luxembourg is an ideal place for cycling with your family. There are number of sprawling parks and river banks to get your legs pumping those pedals. In case you want a more strenuous day out you can head towards the Ardennes mountains or to the southeast Moselle Valley. You can find several bike rental companies  in the east and south of the country.
  • Fishing in Luxembourg: Luxembourg is a great place to relax in your boat with your family while you are out in the lake fishing but you need to have a fishing license  first (available at some tourist offices). The rivers here are amongst the freshest and the best stocked compared to the rest of Europe and there are many companies offering tourist fishing trips for those who prefer a package trip.
  • Horseback Riding: There are many stables in Luxembourg which offer great packages by the hour or day for learning horse riding.
  • Parc Merveilleux in Luxembourg:  This is the most popular amusement park  in the country and a definite stop for those of you with active children. It’s a place where you can relax while your children can be left free to explore.
  • Museum of Music:  This is popular among young music lovers and yet another great place to be with your kids. It was set up in 1994 in Wiltz, north-west Luxembourg. This museum highlights Luxembourg City’s wind orchestra. It also includes music from Luxembourg over the last two centuries and provides details of fanfares and brass brands.
  • Tram and Bus Museum: This museum is to the south of Luxembourg City in a small town called Hollerich. It features things like ancient tramway carriages, models of buses, a horse-drawn coach and old fashioned uniforms. The museum educates children about history and how people used transportation in the past compared to now.

Further reading

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