I am lookingt for a Job in Holland

  • I am SUMAN SORWAR I Have 8 year's Experience in PIZZA & ITALIAN Restaurent I am looking for a job in HollaBIO - DATA
    [email removed]

    I am looking for job Helf Kichen

    1. Name : Suman Sorwar

    2. Father Name : A.F.M Shiblee

    3. Mother Name : Afatara Begum

    4. Date of Birth :16-09-1980

    5. Nationality : Bangladeshe

    6. Passport Nomber : R-0757060

    7. Resident Permite Nomber : GR-1586914

    8. A.F.M Number : 06773870763

    9. I.K.A Number : 9982158

    10.Addreass : Agiou Konstantino House No-34
    Omonia athens Greece

    11.Telefun Number : 694578776f3

    12.Experience : Secend Cook For 2 Yeare's Gourment Ptzza 2 Valaoritou st. Athens

    13. Experience : Helf Kichen Foe 3 Yeare's Wolk House Kerkira Arila

    14. Experience : Helf Kichen For 1 Year Lationo Restaurent

    suman sorwarnd

    SUMAN SORWAR 12 Mar 2009, 11:03 - Report
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Need a job in Holland

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