working in amsterdam

  • hi,i am Riccardo, i am 26 years old and i work as graphic designer, i live in Milan with my girlfriend Nicole, she is a fashion stylist so we both work in the graphic and fashion area, As soon as possible we would like to move in Amsterdam because we are attract from the Dutch sense of working in ours area, i lived also in London and the differences with Milan are not too evidents, both too attached to a commercial way to satisfy the clients. Dutch fashion and graphics have a different way for working, more attention to particulars, a different open mind that prefer to satisfy the pleasure of the research of best quality instead the quantity of the masses. We hope to remain in Amsterdam more time is possible for ours personal professional increase because we are a serious and honest couple dedicated to work, both grew up with sane principles and bests life expectations, so we thinks that Amsterdam and Dutch life respects exactly wath in we believe. For these reasons i would like to invite you to keep my portfolio in mind for a possible job as a graphic designer, if you want to give a fast look to my portfolio on line :

    Thank you very much for your time and we hope we can get in touch.
    Best regards
    Riccardo, Milan
    [email removed]

    Riccardo 05 May 2008, 12:13 - Report
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Trying to find a job in Amsterdam

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