What's the cheapest way to travel around NZ?
What's the cheapest way to travel around NZ? Is it by shuttle bus or intercity bus or by tours i.e. Kiwi Experience...please tell me as I'm booked to go there and need to do it on a budget! It would be good to get deals with travel and some accomodation included...
Cheers - Jo29 May 2007, 07:07 Jo
Hi there,
we found out that the cheapest way to travel New Zealand would be with a budget Campervan as you have your transport as well as accommodation at once. So we rented a Campervan without shower and toilet and free-camped most of the time so we did not have a lot of additional costs despite for food and fuel. We rented with a company called Bedmobils and had an awesome camper but there are heaps of different companies around depending on what you need.
Good luck on your travels.
NatNatasha 29 May 2007, 07:08 - Report -
another way to save some travel costs..
If you want to save some costs, try carshare..
Whether you hired or bought a car you can easily save some travelling costs by giving people a lift or even taking things (if you want more flexibility) and pay for some of your petrol costs that way.
If you don't have a car, somebody else going in your direction most probably will.
This site offers plenty of options, is free to sign up and list your trips - I'd recommend trying ithttp://www.cooreea.co.nz
merle 29 Oct 2008, 09:42 - Report -
Happy Campers New Zealand
Try Extreme Motorhomes NZ - www.extrememotorhomesnz.com great discounts, offering quality campervans at discounted rates.
Kim 22 Nov 2008, 02:43 - Report