Learning Danish

Language courses

There is a wide choice available to those who want to learn Danish in Denmark. Courses are available at all levels and vary from courses taught during term time, short intensive courses and summer courses.

Depending on your own circumstances, the best places to learn Danish are:

Danish higher education institutions: Intensive courses in Danish language, literature and culture are available all year round. Students enrolled at the university or college are not usually charged for admission, though external participants should expect to pay roughly DKK 2,500 – 5,000 per course.

Local council courses and programmes: These courses are primarily aimed at immigrants and refugees. Your entry level is usually determined by your previous knowledge or qualifications, and examinations take place twice a year. There may be a charge for taking these courses.

Adult learning centres: Courses for adults at the learning centres (VUCs) cover general topics at lower and upper secondary level. Tuition fees are normally around DKK 200 and courses generally last between six months and a year.

Private language schools/tuition: Probably the best option if you prefer a more intensive or individual approach to learning language. You should ask for advice at a local language centre, or look for private language schools or teachers in the local media.

‘Folk High Schools’: Residential courses in Danish language and culture are offered either during the summer holiday or during the autumn and spring terms. Courses usually last between 3-5 months and do not normally include examinations.

AMU centres and business schools: Business-orientated language courses are available to people who want to work specifically on the language skills required in employment or for completing a professional training qualification.

Other options to learn Danish

From language books to videocassettes to online courses, literally hundreds of companies dedicate themselves to helping people write and speak Danish. Unfortunately, despite any of their claims, there are no easy tricks or shortcuts to successful learning. The real key is simply to immerse oneself in the language and practice, practice, practice. Read newspapers and magazines. Watch television and films. Listen to the radio. Chat with the neighbours. Constant exposure to Danish is a necessity. The more you place yourself in situations where your native language cannot be used as a crutch, the quicker you will learn Danish.

Learning in front of the television

Television is probably the quickest way to increase you level of listening comprehension. It's free and you are guaranteed to hear people speaking naturally (and fast). Don't expect to understand everything, especially things like chat-shows, as this is difficult for people with a good level of Danish. The more you listen and watch, the quicker you will find yourself picking up words and phrases. You will be surprised how much and how painless it can be to learn this way.

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