Further education

Other learning opportunities

It’s government policy to encourage New Zealanders to study and learn at all stages of their lives.

A keystone of the government’s further education programme is the Correspondence School in Wellington, which is the largest ‘school’ in New Zealand, with over 20,000 students. The Correspondence School was established in the '20s and is something of a New Zealand institution. It provides correspondence courses catering for adults wishing to gain qualifications in order to obtain a job or those who just want to improve their academic ability, and courses are taken by people throughout New Zealand as well as overseas.

Secondary students can also take courses if they aren’t offered by their secondary school, and New Zealand children abroad can follow primary and secondary school programmes. The school is manned by a team of student advisers and clerks who offer pre-enrolment advice, course counselling and student support.

Students receive tuition by means of written courses, via telephone and the internet, and at seminars. There are academic, vocational and general interest courses, including the full range of secondary school subjects, as well as more practical and general interest courses. For information contact the Correspondence School, Private Bag 39992, Wellington (within NZ freephone 0800-659 988 or 04-473 6841, www.correspondence.school.nz ).

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