Around the world

by car and web

Have you ever imagined that you would travel alongside Fillias Fogg. Fleeing from your daily job, leaving your family behind ? Just to see the whole world ?

I guess the following piece is about exactly that. These guys have figured out a way to escape their ordinary lives and start one amazing journey.

I will introduce you to Jolanda, Sales manager of She is part of the team that came up with the idea to travel around the globe.

From Europe to Australia to America, they want to visit all continents ( Except Antarctica, they have no cable there ) Why ?Just for fun you could say, but not for this team. Inspired by movies from their youth ( Indiana Jones, Around the world in 80 days ) and being sales people they came up with this campaign.

They want to inspire other people with this journey proving everyone can make his/her dreams come true. Jolanda says ; "the hardest part for me is to imagine that I will be driving to Australia without knowing where we will stop or how long it will take, and exactly here lies the beauty of this project. Nothing is for certain, just like life itself, so there is no way telling exactly how long it will take us to travel around the globe." She continues;" Of course it is hard for anyone to travel around the globe, and I don't think it has ever done before like this. Therefore we are looking for suitable advertisers willing to invest in this incredible journey."

Besides that they just started a project to donate a percentage of every dime they earn. They are planning to donate it in Africa, bringing the money themselves making sure nothing else happens to the money. Just like the rest of the journey you can watch them do this live on the internet or by uploaded footage !

Jolanda; " I think that everybody who donates money doubts the intentions of the organization at some point. This is because you can never be sure if your money reaches the right persons (in this case the people in need). That is why we want to film our transaction and maybe we even will help with the construction of a school or something like it."

When I look into the idea I only can say that it will be one hell of a journey. They will not simply travel around the globe, they want to do it by car! ( for this they are still looking for a good car ) If you are interested or want to know more about this journey visit You can find a travel journal there along with some nice pictures. While there you can visit their guestbook or play a game or two. © 2003-2025 Just Landed