Alternative education

Students with special needs

The Maltese education system caters for all pupils. The education department has a specific section for pupils with special needs, which offers adapted teaching.

The department offers ancillary services to both pupils and their parents (e.g. guidance and counselling). A list of Maltese schools for children with special needs can be found on this UNESCO PDF .

Public education

Children with special needs are supported from kindergarten through to higher education. An early intervention service operates, catering for children from birth to the age of five, who suffer from developmental, medical or psychological difficulties. This system provides a teacher who follows the progress of the child by visiting them at home and in kindergarten.

Government policy states that children with special needs are entitled to attend mainstream education if their parents wish. If the child attends a state school, they are provided with the service of a Learning Support Assistant (LSA) in class. This includes children with sensory impairments who will be provided with a translator.

Private education

In Malta, no private schools exist that cater specifically to children with special needs, however they can attend religious and private schools and they will receive government support, including a LSA in the same way they would in a state school.

Higher education

Children with special needs are provided with two transition teachers who help them through the process of finishing school and progressing to either higher education or employment. The University of Malta and the Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology have special provisions for people with a disability who can successfully follow one of their courses.

The University has set up a group called ACCESS-Disability Support Committee. A branch of this committee called ACCESS-Disability Support Unit (ADSU) is available on the university campus and a co-ordinator helps students. The ADSU office is equipped with services that provide aid to people with visual, hearing and physical impairments. © 2003-2025 Just Landed