Income in Thailand is subject to Thai tax, regardless of where the employment income is paid.
Taxation in Thailand differs between resident and non-resident citizens. Anyone who lives in Thailand for over 180 days in a tax (calendar) year is considered a resident.
Thailand residents pay income tax on remuneration originating from sources both inside and outside of the country. A non-resident only pays tax on income from sources in Thailand. The income tax ranges from 5-37% depending on your income.
In Thailand, everybody must obtain a tax ID within 60 days after receiving income. You will need a Tax ID card in order to pay tax on your income. You can apply for the Thai tax ID card at the Revenue Department. The ID card has a tax ID number which you will often require during your stay in Thailand.
Social security tax is automatically deducted from your income (5%) and is usually about 750 Baht per month.
To receive retirement benefits a worker must have 40 credits. One credit equals 36,200 Baht of income. Four credits are earned with an income of 144, 700 Baht.