Private Care

Private medical care in Egypt

While living in Egypt, you will probably seek most of your medical care from private hospitals. These generally offer higher quality care in cleaner surroundings, not to mention staff that are used to dealing with international patients.

Popular private medical centres include the International Medical Centre and Anglo American Hospital in Cairo. Egypt’s National Cancer Institute is also located in Cairo – its goal is to bring state-of the art technology and treatment methodology to Egyptian oncology.

In Alexandria, the German Hospital is a perennial favourite of expatriates and travellers alike, though other options include Miami Private Hospital and Victoria Hospital.

Should find yourself stricken with a parasite during your time in Egypt, the Theodor Bilharz Research Institute  in Cairo is dedicated to the diagnosis, treatment and research of schistosomiasis parasites (which you risk contracting should you take an inadvisable dip in the Nile). It is located in Giza, and has a nursing school attached.

Many private hospitals feature international staff, though some supplement this with competent Egyptian doctors from public hospitals that choose to practice privately part-time in order to earn extra money. Language-wise, you will not find navigating private hospitals or medical clinics particularly difficult: The Egyptian staff will likely speak excellent English and invariably so will the international doctors and nurses.

Private hospitals usually accept medical insurance policies, as long as your coverage extends to treatment received abroad. Check your policy before leaving abroad, and see our section on insurance for more information.

Pacific Prime has posted a large list of hospitals with English-speaking staff here .

Elective procedures

You may find it difficult to believe that foreigners would seek out elective procedures in a country where simply crossing the street can seem like a life-threatening proposition, Egypt’s generally low cost of care can be quite attractive.

Lasik eye surgery in particular is a common procedure (the procedure can be had for under LE5,000; under USD1,000), and Dr. Khalil Eye Clinic in Cairo a well-known practitioner. The German Hospital in Alexandria also has a department dedicated to eye care. © 2003-2025 Just Landed