Work culture

How to adapt to the Israeli work environment

Israelis schedule their meetings close together, and meetings often run late. Israelis tend to discuss their opinions, and they will talk and discuss their opinions at the expense of getting meetings and projects finished on time.

Schedules and deadlines are not as important to Israelis as communicating and producing good results. Israelis are group-oriented, and they directly state their opinions when working on a project. As a new employee, you will be expected to state your opinion and defend it.

If possible, avoid using subtlety and understatement. If you are not direct when stating your opinion, your co-workers will not trust you.

Israeli employees think of themselves as managers, and they prize quick thinking and innovation. They do not adhere to a strict hierarchy in the workplace, which means that Israelis will often solve their own problems without consulting supervisors. In some cases, they might take short-cuts or bend rules to achieve professional goals. If you strictly follow the rules, your co-workers might call you a frier (pushover).

Israelis who work together will often relax together. Do not expect to be best friends with them, but friendly relationships among co-workers are important in Israel. If your Israeli co-workers invite you to a bar after work, feel free to go with them. © 2003-2025 Just Landed