Importing a car

How to bring your car to Norway

Importing a foreign car to any country can be a time consuming task. There are many factors to consider before importing your car. Vehicles may be imported temporarily or permanently according to the amount of time you plan on staying in Norway.

Temporary Residency

According to Norwegian laws and regulations, a person is able to import their car tax-free and duty-free if they are planning to stay in Norway for a period of one year or less. Be aware though that the clock starts at the point in time you arrive in Norway - not when your car arrives.

If you plan on staying for a longer period or your stay was prolonged for an unforeseen reason, you must apply to Norwegian customs and ultimately pay the required taxes and duties for your vehicle.

Permanent Residency

When planning to stay in Norway for longer than a year, your vehicle must be imported through the proper channels. Before importation, make sure the vehicle is properly insured and registered. The vehicle must be insured in accordance to the Automobile Liability Act. It is also a good idea to check with local authorities to see if there are any possible export restrictions or declarations that must be made beforehand. Local information  can be found online.

Once you arrive at the border, local authorities will walk you through the process of importing your car. First you will be issued a transit document number and will have to fill out the required paperwork.  

Clearing customs

Once the paperwork is completed at the border, you will be directed to move on to the Customs and Excise office where you will be required to purchase temporary number plates for Norwegian roads. You will also be required to pay the VAT,  Hydrofluorocarbon (HFC), and Perfluorocarbon (PFC) taxes upon entry or within a period of 1 to 3 days. You will need to have the following at the time of payment:

Secondhand Vehicles

Secondhand vehicles must pass through a separate test and must be individually approved by Norwegian authorities before they can be registered. This is done in one of the local traffic services offices. Once your car has passed the test you must return to the Customs and Excise Office to pay the required taxes. The taxes cannot be paid until the approval of your car is made.


Once customs has approved your car and all necessary taxes are paid for in full, the vehicle will need to be registered which requires what is called a “one-off fee”. When this is paid they will endorse your registration card and you will then be able to register at one of the Public Roads Administration’s Traffic Services Offices. They usually make appointments for vehicle registrations.

Annual Motor Vehicle Tax

Finally an annual bill will be sent to your address for the Annual Motor Vehicle Tax by the Customs and Excise Office. They will give you a certain period of time to pay it. © 2003-2025 Just Landed