
  • 东西之桥汉语速成夏令营近年来享誉全球,是同类夏令营中具有很高性价比的精品项目.长它由上海市归国华侨联合会全程支持,面向全球华人及外国青少年,以暑假短时间密集型中文教学为特点,与中国大陆青少年同营互动,既全力取得中文水平的突破或提高,又充满着假期乐趣,结交新朋友,并让学生大上海与周边城市与地区的美丽风貌。夏令营老师们辛苦多年研究的教学成果包括:计算机汉语教学、情感化汉语教学、兴趣化汉语教学、音乐汉语教学,以及与中国学生交融在一起的中外学生互动式汉语教学等等。在欢声笑语中假期过去了,而大家的中文也在不知不觉中更地道,对中国的感情更深了!
    报名详情请参考网址:www.eastwestbridge.org, 或者电话联系:0082-21-62185426

    07 abr 2009, 12:10 Ewbandrea
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  • May be the Best Summer Program for Your Kids!

    ---2009 Shanghai Eastwestbridge Chinese Summer Camp

    East-West Bridge (EWB) Mandarin Chinese Learning Program launched its first summer camp in 2005 in the miraculously booming Chinese city of Shanghai, and has since earned its reputation as one of the most successful Chinese-learning programs around.

    Unlike most other programs that feature primarily sightseeing trips and therefore are essentially organized vacation packages, the EWB summer camp emphasizes on intensive and effective Chinese language learning / training in immersive environments, based on its unique method of computerized Chinese training designed to facilitate quick-learning of both the phonetics as well as the article writing system of Chinese language. This method is proven to produce amazing results in practice based on the progress made by the majority of the camp participants in the past years.

    The EWB program is well-balanced in that highly concentrated language learning classes are blended with relaxing cultural, artistic, and entertaining activities and excursions. For travel-inclined participants, trips to some of the China's most famous tourist attractions during or after the summer camp are also offered or assisted.

    Last but not the least, 2009 EWB Chinese Summer Camp charges a very moderate rate, which is comparatively much lower than other camps alike, in order to share the financial difficulty with most families in this economic crisis period.

    Detailed information can be found at: www.eastwestbridge.org/English/CAmdc.html. Inquiries can be made directly by contacting [email removed], or by calling 0086-21-62185426, or 0086-13761551506; 0086-13901695068.

    EWBSC 27 abr 2009, 10:12 - Denunciar
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