AYUDA por favor... sponsorship spouse visa

  • Hola,
    Soy laura de barcelona, españa. Necesito mucho vuestra ayuda. Despues de leer en infinidad de paginas web me estoy volviendo loca y ya no entiendo nada, asi q si alguien q sepa del tema puede aclararme dudas lo agradeceria muchisimo.
    Mi novio canadiense y yo nos conocimos hace un año, el vive alli y yo en españa.Decidimos q nos vamos a casar y yo me voy a ir a vivir con el, nuestra intencion es casarnos en canada y aplicar al visado para esposos mientras yo estoy alli.
    Como española solo puedo estar en canada un maximo de 6 meses,me han hablado de que se puede pedir una extension del permiso de estancia pero no se hasta que punto eso es factible.Alguien sabe algo del tema?que pasaria si pasados los 6 meses yo tubiera q volver a españa, podria regresar a Canada y quedarme de nuevo hasta q obtenga mi visado?
    Otra cuestion es, que documentos necesito para casarme en canada?tienen q ser traducidos al ingles? es decir, traducciones juradas?

    Un saludo,

    02 mai 2007, 04:28 Laura
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  • re

    Hola Laura,

    Im sorry i cant reply in spanish sad and i hope i understand your question good..
    yes you can get a tourist visa ( temporary residence). But once they know you are going to marry they might not issue it to you, because they need to be satisfied that after the visit you are going to return to your home country.
    For a tourist visa you need:
    *to prove you can support yourself financially
    *prove where you are going to stay
    *the purpose of your stay
    *how long are you going to stay
    *who is inviting you, proof that he is going to provide you with accomodation, food, transport costs, medical costs.. basically that your finances are going to be covered. You can just get an inviation letter from the person living in Canada, inviting you and indicating all the finances and similar he is going to provide you with (accomodation, etc). Indicate the purpose of stay too.. visiting a friend etc.
    *valid apssport for at least 6 months

    You can apply for Family Class Immigration from within Canada, once you are there. They are going to process it in Canada.

    In different case, you can apply for immigration from Spain, but it is going to take months.. about half a year maybe, it varies. But this is only if you are married or lived together for at least a year if not married.

    Well your case is not easy, personally i think just should go as a tourist, ask your fiance to write you an invitation letter, but if you indicate that you want to marry, you might show proof that you are going to return after marriage (e.g. book a return ticket to Canada- never buy it before you have your visa!) If you do so, you will have to return after you married and have to apply for family class immigration in Spain. It is going to take like six months, but cases differ.
    If you do not indicate you are going to marry, you can just go as a visitor very easily, and you can apply from within Canada. This is better in cases when you do not fix event of marriage, etc.. like you might be thinking about marriage yet but it is not a 100% fixed event.

    Any way, they try to process family class immigration fastets possible, spouses have priorities, but still it is a very long time apart from your loved one.. honestly , it is a torture and even if it is relatively fast, it causes a lot of suffering on both sides. I have been separate from my husband 5 months now, it is very nerve straining.

    Anyway, i hope i could help, and i hope i understood your question well, lo siento much mucho no hablo espanol

    If you are still in doubt, try to contact the visa office resposible for your country, for Spain it is in Paris. contact details are on this page : http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/offices/missions/paris.asp

    All the best, i wish it works out for you very fast.

    Anonymous 25 juin 2007, 02:03 - Signaler un abus
  • visa

    hi i want vist vias for

    naveed iqbal pone no 0034652364589 15 juil 2007, 04:16 - Signaler un abus
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