Germany : good and bad experiencies.

  • Hi, my name is Oscar,Im investigating about people from diferent part of the world experiences in Germany. What is good or bad here in your experience? what do u do in the moment in Germany?
    I will apreciatte all the help, please
    writte cases not only a sentence.

    thanx a lot.

    07 Июн 2009, 09:09 Oscar
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  • be objective

    I think its not the right forum here to ask this question. this forum is totally not objective because u have the possibilty to write wiv different identities.

    Look at the different threads equal of germany, france, uk, swiss, italy....
    its full of racist judgments.

    Please, follow this fact and don´t be interacted by so much intolerance.

    The best way is to talk wiv people and makin your own experiences. And please, don´t be so sensitive because its Germany. Often made bad a bad experience also because of their character and project it directly on Germany and the history. Don´t make this mistake.

    flyindutch 07 Июн 2009, 02:24 - Report
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