Summer Internship Program

  • I am writing on behalf of the Water Center for the Humid Tropics of Latin America and the Caribbean (CATHALAC), which is a non-profit international organization based in Panama City, Panama. Established since 1992, CATHALAC is dedicated to the promotion of sustainable development through applied research and development, education, and technology transfer in the areas of watershed management, climate change, environmental analysis and modeling, and risk management in Latin America and the Caribbean.

    Since its inception, CATHALAC is an organization that facilitates individual and institutional development of technical and scientific capacities on topics related to environmental issues. In the past five years, for instance, CATHALAC has trained over 610 people from across the region, successfully creating a solid international reputation. We have also hosted a number of interns from different universities of North America, such as McGill University and Columbia University.

    Being aware of the focus the Faculty of Science and Technology, our interest in contacting you is to make an approach for a possible collaboration. More precisely, we are offering a summer internship we believe students of your Faculty might be interested in; whether to carry out field research or to obtain a more endogenous approach to development studies which can include a technical platform, as well as a cultural experience that we are sure they will greatly appreciate. We hope you can distribute this information to the students who might find this experience valuable or to guide us about the procedure we should follow in order to make the information available in the Faculty of Science and Technology. Also, it is our interest to communicate with you about potential opportunities of collaboration that might be interesting for you.

    Please find attached a complete brochure of the internship, as well as information on CATHALAC. For more information on the work we do, you can also visit our website at

    If you have any questions, we can schedule a teleconference at your best convenience; or you can contact me directly.

    Hope to hear from you soon.

    Kind regards,

    Jennifer D. Croston Gardellini
    Oficial / Officer

    División de Desarrollo y Cooperación Internacional / Development and International Cooperation Division

    Jen Tel: 507+317-3217 - CATHALAC Tel: 507+317-3200 - Fax: 507+317-3299
    111 Ciudad del Saber, Clayton, Panamá
    Apartado 0843-03102, Panamá
    [email removed] -

    Jennifer Croston 29 Апр 2009, 04:55 - Report
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