Expressive Historical Maps to Enhance Home & Office

  • Achieving stunning art accents with framed historical maps

    Art comes in many forms and since the concept of scanning, a great and wonderful colorful new world has been produced to enhance the home and even the office. Digital archival reproductions has grown in each media and as yet to evolve, is the early master cartographer. The shame is that most of this art is tucked away in dusty old museums, never to see the light of day. However, rogue Professors like myself and my grandfather before me collected this genre. Then by using the latest innovations in cutting edge digital technology, is able to reproduce fascinating images of these 16th to 19th century artists. Yes, they were artists who commanded great tribute from their benefactors, including Kings and Presidents. Through the great advancement of computer tools, we are able to conceive the original artwork at premium prices and offer fine maps to people, who realize that framed Maps can be a romantic topic of conversation when positioned as a wall accent.

    Experience the world through Fine art and canvas, colors and high resolution. Peer through our gallery spanning six hundred years, from the time of seeing California as an island, right up to the modern era.

    Our collection, which is unrivaled in size, content and quality, includes the works of renowned cartographic artists including Jansson, Moll, Romans, Homann and many others. We are offering extra incentives for the avid buyer of our items.

    An historical map can be a quick, elegant and thoughtful gift for an older family member who is always difficult to buy for. Then again, just about anybody would enjoy this art decor over their mantelpiece. As popularity has grown in this new art decor so has the digital quality-- as has the price. However, we have managed to keep our maps at a reasonable price for all to enjoy.

    They know me as "The Maps Lady" because about five years ago, along with my husband who is an old retired Professor we began our business. Although my husband had the knowledge and the means, we were both completely ignorant of the digital industry. Mostly by error and practical hands-on experience we introduced our Global known website. Today our historical map prints are recognized by many academic institutions, including the renowned Johns Hopkins University. People of all walks of life buy our sharp, quality maps.

    Some of our best sellers are county land ownership maps, but with such a huge variety available our internet gallery awards the browsing public with a choice. Because only part of the collection has ever been digitalized, we are able to locate early maps of our customer preferences.

    If your interested in early county maps of "Say", Berlin, Germany, we have them, including German Provinces maps. Amongst our considerable library of Maps, German Region maps are one of our land ownership collections. Meaning they have the original property owners name and the extent of their land purchased. In addition, many of these maps will show the whereabouts of old, forgotten graveyards. The early maps indicated everything including the sites of homesteads at that time.

    Contemporary maps however, hardly, if ever show the location of early home sites. Many of county land ownership maps, have been reduced digitally because of the original size would have covered a wall. But nothing has been lost in the transcription. Even so, these are large and most of these land identity maps display inserts of towns and small villages in that era. They are remarkable because Joe the Blacksmith shop will be shown, along with schools, churches, public buildings, hospitals, asylums jails, banks, professional business just to name a few.

    As of today, most of this valuable information has disappeared. Even demographic details of rivers that have changed course, to crossings where wooden ferries delivered wagons, men and horses to the other bank. The majority of these stunning heirlooms have had their original hand-coloring restored. Although we address the condition of the map, we never completely remove the patina of age.

    Our collection, which is unrivaled in size, content and quality, includes the works of renowned cartographic artists including Jansson, Moll, Romans, Homann and many others. We are offering extra incentives for the avid buyer of our items. These Dutch, German, English, American, French, Spanish map making families and individual artisans, produced stunning recreations of their time period, sometimes in glorious color or just a basic outline of unknown rivers and mountains on crude paper. But the evidence of these original surveyors is exciting and remarkable, considering the limited knowledge they had of the terrain. Many of the prominent map-makers transcribed from previous surveyors, who first stepped into the Americas, or other parts of the world.

    It is interesting to note how maps have changed over the centuries, because even with today’s amazing techno ledges, they can not emulate the map masters 'cartouche' that represents the early era. The "Cartouche" embodied the cartographer’s traditions and culture that was his artistic signature of his works. The old maps were not just an interesting representation of topographical landscapes, but could illustrate the commerce or such features as settlement in foreign lands, buildings, scenery and native peoples. Installed in most early maps was the rigid interpretation of the religious faith, which embellished into the design cherubs, god and other Christian symbols.

    An historical map can be a quick, elegant and thoughtful gift for an older family member who is always difficult to buy for. Then again, just about anybody would enjoy this art decor over their mantelpiece. As popularity has grown in this new art decor so has the digital quality-- as has the price. However, we have managed to keep our maps at a reasonable price for all to enjoy.

    We have found that many framing companies and galleries buy our maps, to individually frame and matte these beautiful artworks. The old cartographic masters were not just make makers, but great artists as well given to the stunning decoration and hand-colored achievements.

    Maps of the Past, Inc

    30 Дек 2006, 05:10 Anonymous
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