Moving to Germany

  • Hello to everybody.

    My Name's Veridiano and i am a Brazilian guy. I am a studen as well and I have plans to live in Germany Berlin next year. As well as my Girlfriend is from there. I am a little bit confusing if i would be able to find a job without any professional. However i can speak English and Spanish but not Germany for now. Anyone knows if i cold work even without no Germany? Well I am so worry if i could find a job like here at IBM Brazil.
    I believe in this cause i should have finish my University here in Brazil, i stopped it few months ago. Anyway if some can help me if this information would be Great. By the way, at IBM Brazil I am an Operation System MVS (Main Frame) thanks

    Veridiano 06 Сен 2008, 10:23 - Report
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Jobs in Berlin

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