Jobs in Film/Television

  • Viele Gruesse aus New York City!

    I am an American living in New York and currently working in broadcast TV as an associate producer. I'm hoping to move to Germany at the end of February and have started my job search. I am well aware of the unemployment situation in Germany and am finding it extremely difficult to even locate any jobs in my field. To make matters worse, my German language skills are poor, though I am studying on my own. Does anyone have any suggestions for what seems like an impossible situation??? I would consider choosing a different career, such as teaching English (I majored in English in college) but only as a last resort.

    Vielen Dank!

    15 Июн 2005, 03:02 Anonymous
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  • Job search in Germany

    Finding a job in TV is almost impossible without German skills. The only option would be to look into Deutsche Welle which is producing in different languages. Otherwise you have to go for some English teaching, but even that isn¨t easy. Try to contact some language schools before you leave, but the major job search will probably have to be on the ground.

    Anonymous 17 Июн 2005, 08:45 - Report
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