Staying too long.

  • What are the Penalties if I am found staying Illegally in Germany for more then 90 days? What if I am found working?

    19 Мар 2006, 10:37 Anonymous
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  • re:

    you will be arrested and deported. duh!!!

    Anonymous 23 Сен 2006, 06:08 - Report
  • Foreigners Attorney for Immigration and Commerce

    You can only plea for mercy if you reapply for prolongation ASAP. Nevertheless, 90 days is extremely late, I -- so far -- have only managed 60 days for a well to do buisness guy. it all depends on your personal situation. If you have good reasons you might be luckly. Hardly any chance all by yourself.

    Alexander Baron von Engelhardt

    Anonymous 06 Окт 2006, 02:03 - Report
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