yep, using Kazaa in Canada is "legal"!

  • There is a loophole in the legislation and this has been submitted all the way to the Supreme Court.

    The protection downloaders have is the privacy act. In Canada privacy is a BIG thing, so in order for those in the music industry to be able to know who downloaded what, they would need to cooperate with Canadian ISPs. Such cooperation is ilegal since ISPs are not allowed to share your personal info with anybody (only with law enforcement officials)

    Said that, you can download as long as you do not get sued. If you get sued, it is because somebody you know told the record companies or YOUR activities.

    Well, it is not that plain as I explain it here, but it is along these lines

    Anonymous 28 Sep 2005, 11:43 - Verstoß melden
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using file sharing in Canada

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