Looking for job in aussie or nz

  • Hi, I'm Julie, single, 30+, Indonesian-chinese. I'm looking for a job in Australia or New Zealand. I have education background (bachelor degree) in one of State owned University in Indonesia. I have working experience in a supermarket as Personnel Manager (HRD)for couple years; certified in Hair and Beauty course in Peter Saerang hair & beauty school in Jakarta and I was employed by a beauty salon in Surabaya, then I run my small boutique and do part-timer hair stylist by appointment only. Now I live in a small town in Indonesia. I'm looking for a challanging career/job in different country and culture. I prefer Australia/NZ because I have some family n friends there, and it's not too far from my country.
    My contact email: [email removed]

    e juliawati 31 Jul 2008, 03:57 - Report
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seeking job in Australia & New Zealand

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