so wrong

  • It really amazes me how constrainght and close minded some peoples' views (from mostly so called developed and civilised countries) are!
    poland has changed drastically in the recent years, and one shouldn't base his/her opinions on well worn and outdated generalisations!
    please be sure the hospilality of poles will no doubt suprise you and you'll be welcomed to our very homes in no time, and we will offer you our friendship and support, not asking much in return. I have lived and visited many countries in my live and this is definitely not something you can say about many countries!
    please drop your short sightness, book one of the cheap flights and visit one of our vibrant cities to find out! i can assure you we do shower, we do speak english (german, french, etc) and we like to party too ;o)

    ola 20 Mar 2009, 05:59 - Report
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