Hello again!!

  • Hey Sophie,

    Hope you're well and ready for the move!

    I've already starting hunting a little and have a good idea of nice areas to be in already and have seen some great apartments on the internet that, if we were sharing, would fit into the budget and look really really nice. I'm looking around the same price. I've sent some emails to the estate agents to express my interest so see what happens so I'll keep you posted!

    Would be great to meet up as I've just arrived myself and living temporarily in The Hague at the moment but working 10 mins from Utrecht so we could meet maybe in Utrecht after work say 18.00 or at weekends.Whatever would be good for you.Would be nice to know some more people! You can send me an email or my Dutch mobile is 0657722828. Think we're probably both in the same boat starting work here and new to the city!

    Anyway enjoy the rest of the weekend and hope to speak to you soon!


    Laura 01 mar 2009, 05:43 - Denunciar
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