Just Landed - Your gateway to expatriates and migrants worldwide
Most people need help before arrival and during their first six months in a new country. Just Landed offers a way to promote your business, services and products to potential customers at the time they need you.
Our audience consists of professionals, students and ‘holiday residents’ (retired full-time and part-time residents). If foreign residents form part of your target customers, Just Landed can help you reach this audience with made-to-measure campaigns. Advertising options include:

- Display advertising: All standard banner sizes and premium formats for branding purposes.
- Directory placement: Enhanced and featured listings in our directory to reach customers when they are looking for your service. Book online here.
- Service listings: Premium placement in our services section.
- Content syndication: Inclusion of RSS-Feeds or individual articles that help your promote your expertise.
- Email promotion: Advertising in the Just Landed newsletter.
All campaigns can be targeted to individual topic areas, various types of placement, different countries and languages. For further information about our current reach and your marketing possibilities at Just Landed, please contact us telling us about your requirements.
What advertisers think about Just Landed
Our advertising campaigns are result orientated and aim to bring expatriates together with brands that offer products for them. This means that we work with companies of different industries in over 50 countries all over the world. We asked some of our customers what they think about working with Just Landed.
Display advertising to Expats
Banner campaigns at Just Landed are targeted by country, language, GEO-location and industries (e.g. Telephony, Health, Education etc.). We have over a decade experience in reaching different target groups such as working professionals abroad, International Students, Pensioners e.g. Expats all over the world.