Dating German women

  • Mindgames? I've never met a German woman that plays mindgames. I think most German women are just cautious when with a man,whether he's German or otherwise. I married a German girl from Dresden. She has never played mindgames with me nor intends to. I say,if the lady in question wants to pay for something,she's being kind or just saying in her own way. "Don't waste all your money on me." It was weird the first time we met when she offered to pay her end of the dinner bill but I grew to admire that. The fact she wanted show that there was a bit of pride in her independence. If you want mindgames..try a few American girls but in the end regardless of Nationality,both men and women can play mindgames.

    Ryan 11 Авг 2008, 06:26 - Report
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Dating German women

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