Some guys here..

  • God, really when I read some comments here from people, who blame even us Germans of today that we where nazis, hate poles, jews , are snow monkeys need to leave our country to show that we are no more nazis, I really come to think, that these people who blame us of the past, are behaving exactly like the Nazis in the Past. To Latino Man, sunnyside you are exactly behaving like Nazis with all your Insults to germans that have nothing to do with the crimes of the past.

    We Germans - today - hate the Nazis that brought destruction to Europe, 99% of all Germans hate Hitler and his Nazi Thugs. Of course there are like in many other Country still people who like Nazis, but they are in no way even able to change something here in germany.
    We dont hate Poles or Jews, we dont have a problem with them, infact its the poles that are very anti-german. And blame even us Germans today for something we cannot change anymore. It is funny how many Poles hate germany, but still coming here to us to work and get a better live. I know here in Germany many poles, can even call them as my friends. I dont really now what the polish media is telling you guys in Poland about us. But we DO NOT hate Poles or any other ethnic group. We do not want any territorys back - ever heard of the Oder-Neiße Treaty? Proposed by Germans? Germany is Today one of the few country that accept every one no matter which sexuality like or race it is, with full citizenship and rights. Homosexuals, lesbian, black, jews, latinos etc are all welcome here. We know about our crimes, we cannot change it, but we can and show the world, that something like that will never happen again in Germany. I even have to say that we germans are probably the only country in the World, that really tries to learn from its failures to build a better future. I dont know any other country in the World, that seriously thinks about their own crimes in the past centurys. Japanese and their Crimes? It is only half hearted teached in shool, Russians and their mass rapes on german women? Not really teached, Spanish genocide on Incas, Mayas? seemed they never have heard of. USA and their genocide on the Native Americans? Also only half hearted teached. I do not want to blame the countrys or anyone else for that, but what I want to make clear is that many People who blame people that does not have to do anything with the crimes of the past, should first take a look on their country crimes.

    Max 26 Май 2009, 04:52 - Report
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What do Germans think about teh second world war

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