i can not understand german guys

  • im married to a german guy and i live in germany and im more and more confused everyday..he is really the weirdest person ive ever met....first of all he is extremely cold and it seems like he has no feelings....he never show interest on me...he is working the whole day and when he arrives he eats and then he fall asleep without even huggin me cuddle and we never have sex he is too weird...........on the other hand when i tell him i might lieave him he changes completely and try to be an affectionate person but then ..5 min or maximun 10 min after he turn to be the coldest guy in the world again...for me its been such a nightmare my life with im...ive never felt more lonely in my life and i think he would never change.....all germans are co dold and unconsidered..they pretend to be nice people when they travel to other countries but once they are in germany they show their real personalities.....im sick of my husband but i dont know whaat to do,hoow can i get a lawyer or everything i need to do ..especially cuz i dont speak german very well..

    03 Окт 2008, 10:02 desolee
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  • to desolee

    why did you married him ??
    normally the people know them before getting married ...
    it is fool to think that all the people are the same just because you did not know the person you married..
    if you do not speak german i suppouse he speaks english or your lenguage, because if you do not have any commun lenguages than i could see that you have a big problem..

    lily 03 Окт 2008, 05:57 - Report
  • you are right desolee

    germans ingeneral are very cold,that something that no one can deny.but it becomes iveen worse when you get a loving relation,like marriage.germans dont like to give you any explanation,or to show its emotions.try with french,italians,greek guys,theyare warm ,romantic and caryng.have a nice day,away from germans,hahaha

    winona 03 Окт 2008, 06:20 - Report
  • German guys

    Theres these 2 foreign german exchange students at my school and they are beautiful the only problem is they dont seem very socialable i would like to talk to them i just dont know what to say

    Victoria 03 Окт 2008, 09:55 - Report
  • ..

    the problem is that the german are not to open to get into another cultur easy..

    . 04 Окт 2008, 10:54 - Report
  • To Desolee

    Hi Desolee!It is very sad to read your story.And you´re right about most of the german guys(not all of them...).
    If you like that,you can contact me at my mail address,being this is a delicate,private matter:[email removed]
    Hope to receive soon a mail from you.Take care,

    Ge´ 06 Окт 2008, 02:09 - Report
  • that is fool

    i am so sorry to tell that but how could you be sooo fool to think you are going to change a person once you got married !!
    normally the couples get in touch to know each other .. and than if you are "compatible" that you get married..
    But that´s a big mistake from most of the Women.. we think we could change the Men just because they are our housbands.. that´s wrong!!
    We have just 2 options:
    1.- We accept our husband or wife as they are
    2.- We do not accept them and we look for anaother choice..
    But please it is not fear that once that you get married to ask the other person for changing !!..it is fool!

    maxy 06 Окт 2008, 09:07 - Report
  • I need advise

    I am in a very strange situation. so i am currently living in TX working as a researcher. I met this German guy (We are dating, but I am not sure if we are in a relationship or not) through my french friend. I used to hang out with my french friend almos everynight and we became pretty close friend. but He was a visiting scholar from France , so he went back to his country about a month ago. But when he was here, his friends and co-workers made fun of us becuase He was always telling them he's going out movies, drinks with me. So people thought we were dating, but we were not ( not even close to dating I'd say). Anyways, two or three weeks before he went back to his country, he introduced me one of his co-worker (the german guy). and After he left TX me and the German guy have been going out almost everyday. Almost everyday 2-3 hours before I get off work, he's been asking me for movies or tea or just hanging out. but One day he came over to my place for dinner and movie. During the movie, we both fell asleep (since we both work a lot of hours, we were tired) and we got up around 1 0r 2 a.m and we begun to talk about a lot of different things. We kinda holding our hands together and suddenly he pulled my hand/arm to his chest and gave me a huge. (we usaully don't even touch each other, there was no physical contact before) and he said " I am very attractive to you, and I know you are leaving this town soon and I am leaving in about two months as well, so I was controlling myself not to get into this situation, but I like you" and then he asked me " can we at least just enjoy each other's company while we are together? I know it will be hurtful at the end, but I really want to be with you until we seperate" ..so.. you know- I kinda like him as well, so I decided to take him for a granted while I am in town. But as we spend time together everynight, I am getting like him more and more. but I realized how cold he is. He never asked me to be his girlfriend, but he said i am his girlfriend. lol;
    but I am very confused. I can't tell if he likes me or not. I do understand the fact that He is working on his master thesis these days, so he's busy and tired, but he doesn't seem to try hard enough to spend some time with me. For example, I am planing on leaving within 2 weeks, but I could stay two more weeks if He asks me and let me stay in his place for 2 weeks (not to mention he's got 2 female roommates and he told me today , one of them were firlting with him before but he told her "NO he's not interesed in her"blunk, but he doesn't aks me to stay longer. So I asked him today " Do you want me to stay a couple more weeks so that we can be together a little bit longer?" and he said " don't you have to go back home and take some class ? or work? don't stay in town for extra just because of me. it won't make any difference if you stay in town 1-2 weeks longer or not. but if you want to stay, I guess we hang out more" ... I was like.. DAMN!
    you know that's not what I expected to hear from him.. he's so cold.
    Also one of his friends is coming over to the USA in mid- august to traver different states in the USA with him. so I asked him " will you come to my hometown and visit me ?" and he said " I might, but I have to ask my friend and see if he wants to go"... hmmm..wtf

    we are working in same department, so we sometimes go out lunch together (with a couple of friends) and hardly no one knows we are dating.

    there are some guys are trying to date me and asking me out, and soon or later they ask me " are you dating the german guy" (we all are on facebook, and I have a lot of picture with him, but our status on fb, we are still singles)

    but I don't know what to say when guys ask me if I am dating him or not. becuase I feel like the german guy is not telling anyone. so I asked him about that, and he said " I don't mind that people know if we are dating or not. but I am not the type of guy who is get on a table and make an announcement saying we are dating. If people know, they know. I don't have to hide you. I have no problem with that".. that kinda confused me.. i mean if u dating someone and if you want no other guys come up to your girl and firlting with her, you should let people know that she's taken. am i wrong about this? even three days ago, we went out for a good bye party for one of our friends, and there was at least 2 guys bought me drinks, asked me out. but he didn't do anything. well, other girls firlting with him too.. argggg...

    one more thing, I am asian. so I feel more insecure about being with him.. becuase he's too cute ! so.. it makes me wonder why he's with me. I am not sure at this point if he likes me or not.. what can I do?

    BRL 22 Июл 2009, 09:42 - Report
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