I will never understand Saudi Arabia and his crazy rules :(
Im an European girl,my boyfreind is a Saudi guy..we are together more than 2 yeas.I live in Europe ,he in Saudi so we dont have the chance to meet us often ,only when we both have hoidays
We falt in love and would like to be together but IT'S IMPOSSIBLE! Not because we dont want that ,only coz his Family ,Traditions ,Saudi Rulse doesnt allow us! He has to get marreid because his Family wants ,they already aranged that!!
pls tell me how to understand that? How can u forse someone to do someting what he7she doesnt want?
Im unhappy ,he is unhappy ...i cry ,he creis..only coz of those crazy Traditions what Saudi Arabia has!
and what now ?! He is going to get marriaed ,,someone who he doesnt love and wants ,,,,,and he said "even i marry ,we r going to meet us dont worry,,,nothing will be changed..i dont care about my future Saudi wife!!!
Pls Saudi Women ,,,explaine me that crazy Saudi Rule ,,,,coz im not able to understand it ,,,may be im not from that World this is why i can not get it ....no idea really((((((
Carolla 13 May 2009, 01:11 - Report
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