Women Drivers

  • I've just discovered this site. I must say that some of the responses have nothing whatsoever to do with the topic of 'women drivers'. It is true that women are not allowed to drive here but, as an American who has lived in Jeddah for over 20 years, I don't know how many 'foreign' women would want to drive here. There are nearly 3.5 million people living in this city. The traffic is never-ending (especially in the evenings). MANY of the male drivers (Saudi and expatriate) have no respect for traffic regulations and refuse to practice common courtesy when behind the wheel. It is quite common to see a driver turn left across three lanes of traffic, never glancing to see what damage he may cause. Further, impatient drivers tend to use the emergency apron at either side of the highway to pass drivers who fail to get out of their way. The number of traffic fatalities is incredible. As in other countries, Road Rage is certainly a contributing factor.

    If possible, I would recommend that you arrange for your wife to have a private driver. You should probably ride along with him during the first few outings to ensure that he drives safely. After all, he will be responsible for transporting your wife and children.

    I would just like to add that, while the Kingdom does have its share of problems, it is a safe place to raise your children.

    I hope my comments have proven beneficial to those of you who may choose to live here.

    Rebecca 20 Oct 2008, 10:47 - Report
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Are Expat female drivers allowed?

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